In year 12 now and applying for all sorts of extra curricular activities such as the Sutton trust, University insight days and soon many more. Often these require a personal statement section or a question on why I want to study economics ETC...
Being relatively new to things like this I don't know how to properly write a statement like this and so am confused what they are looking for. I am undecided between whether I should write a compelling PS, linking it to many aspects and other extracurriculars similarly to a university PS Or whether to keep it simple and just express my passion for these subjects. For Sutton trust for example my PS starts like this ..
Unbeknownst to me, my passion for numbers and patterns, and my drive to find the perfect solution, were evident from an early age. My mother would often recall how I instinctively spotted patterns long before I understood their meaning, all while juggling my commitments to football and swimming at a county level.
The more I look at this sentence the more I cringe at how odd it sounds. Do I need to sound more natural I need some help.