The Student Room Group

A-level art themes

My teacher is very persistent that i do pollution in the ocean for my theme for A-level art, but i don't want to. I want to do the beauty of marine life/sea life , but my teacher says that i need a message to share and the best way to communicate that message is to stick a bunch of nets and plastic in my drawings. Can anyone help me think of a theme that i could do that doesn't involve pollution that i could use to carry a 'strong message' across and that i can continue the idea of how beautiful our sea life is. THX <3
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Original post by Larysa2008
My teacher is very persistent that i do pollution in the ocean for my theme for A-level art, but i don't want to. I want to do the beauty of marine life/sea life , but my teacher says that i need a message to share and the best way to communicate that message is to stick a bunch of nets and plastic in my drawings. Can anyone help me think of a theme that i could do that doesn't involve pollution that i could use to carry a 'strong message' across and that i can continue the idea of how beautiful our sea life is. THX <3

Maybe you could continue with ‘beauty in marine life’ and look at the corruption of beauty, thus combining your ideas and your teacher’s. The idea of the ‘sublime’ can be an interesting one to bring up with your teacher, with ideas of the aesthetic and the beautiful carrying an important role in art.

You don’t have to focus on one theme for the rest of your project; it is only natural that it changes over the course.

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