The Student Room Group

Attendance at QMUL

I'm 3rd year maths at QMUL, just wondering if anyone knows about attendance being monitored this year. In second year I missed a few lectures and was never contacted about anything so assume it wasn't an issue, but I've just seen we now have attendance codes. I haven't put any of these in so far, so currently have 0% attendance for this year?
Does anyone know how these work or if they were in use last year while I was on placement? I don't even bring my phone half the time, is it likely they will be monitored/checked?
Original post by Anonymous
I'm 3rd year maths at QMUL, just wondering if anyone knows about attendance being monitored this year. In second year I missed a few lectures and was never contacted about anything so assume it wasn't an issue, but I've just seen we now have attendance codes. I haven't put any of these in so far, so currently have 0% attendance for this year?
Does anyone know how these work or if they were in use last year while I was on placement? I don't even bring my phone half the time, is it likely they will be monitored/checked?

It's my understanding that if your degree is using the codes thingy to track attendance, attendance is checked.

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