The Student Room Group

Does he like me or is he just being nice?

So, this guy goes to my church. We were really close friends, but he started going to another church, and we didn't stay in touch. Last Wednesday, he came back to the church. We started talking, but I had to leave. He walked out to wait with me until my ride got there. When it did, I started to walk away, but he pulled me into a hug. Previous to the hug, I told him that I still sorta like him. He didn't say anything, but I feel like when he gave me a hug, that was him saying "I do too." I see him in two days!!! Please let me know what to do!!
Original post by Number1Ballerina
So, this guy goes to my church. We were really close friends, but he started going to another church, and we didn't stay in touch. Last Wednesday, he came back to the church. We started talking, but I had to leave. He walked out to wait with me until my ride got there. When it did, I started to walk away, but he pulled me into a hug. Previous to the hug, I told him that I still sorta like him. He didn't say anything, but I feel like when he gave me a hug, that was him saying "I do too." I see him in two days!!! Please let me know what to do!!

i mean i would say that he likes you, because firstly he waited with you to make sure you were picked up (very cute aaaa) and then he gave you a hug which i mean im pretty sure he likes you 😭 but i get how you could doubt it bc he didnt actually say anything back (totally understand about mixed guy messages, tryna sort through some of my own too rn lol)

if you guys end up dating thatll be so cuuuuuute honestly couples in church are so wholesome, lmk how it goes!!

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