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im currently working in riverisland on the christmas temp.Im on the ladies wear department on sales and services..i was put on the tills for a couple of hours on my induction which was terrible as the staff who was training me was useless and quite irritating. in future how can i avoid working on the tills and what are the duties of the sales and services..and whould there be any other roles in the sales and services i will find more enjoyable..
Reply 1
hey i currenltly work for riverisland bullring birmimingham and i got suspensed yesterday i have worked there for like 9 months basically i got suspensed becuase i had a reali rude coustmer and she was being cheeky to me being rather confrontational and i forgot to scan some of her items.. and on that same day my till was dwn by sixty pound bearing in mind more than one person has been on the till through out the day as i do late shifts then on thursday ov last week my till was down by thirty pound... to my knowledge if someone has finished their shift and sumone else goes onto that till a manager is suppose to do a till check beofre they allow the next person to go on to the till which they did not do... and if my till was down they should have informed me that same night before they let me go home so then they could have searched me.. in which they did not do because they are not counting the money untill the next day they are jus counting the float and banking the money in the morning... so basically i am getting into trouble for tills be down on that day as i was working on both then tills still bearing in mind i do lates.. there could ov been any tyme through out the day that money went missing a coustmer could have received the wrong change etc so we watched cctv and there was no proof that i took that money... so they suspensed me of grounds of attempt/ dishonesty casuing loss to the buisness and i have got a meeting on friday HELP ME GUYS WAT TO I DO :frown: :frown: :s-smilie: :s-smilie: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
Reply 2
Explain all of what you have just said...if they are a decent store they will realise it is a mistake and do the right thing, if not they will fire you-but don't worry you can appeal on the grounds that you have just said.

Try not to worry about it-there are so many stores that are so poorly run by young, inexperienced staff; read up on your contract/handbook etc to back up what you are saying.

Remember you are allowed another member of staff present at your meeting too.

Hope you get it sorted!
Reply 3
this is the first tyme anything like has ever happened in my hand book it says i have to have three disaplinariers before they can sack me this would be my first tym i have ever got into trouble i have onli had a written convo twices but u cannot help but worry.. i cannot get the blame for the tills bein down x
Reply 4
oh and also i called them this morning as i needed to hand in my passport they jus told me to bring it to my interview then i asked if i was on the rota for next week and they sed ovbiuously u will be chick IM SO CONFUSED
this is the first tyme anything like has ever happened in my hand book it says i have to have three disaplinariers before they can sack me this would be my first tym i have ever got into trouble i have onli had a written convo twices but u cannot help but worry.. i cannot get the blame for the tills bein down x

That is just for minor things. If they believe that you did take the money then they could dismiss you on grounds if theft/gross misconduct. However, from what you said they must not have strong evidence against you.

Good luck btw.
Reply 6
jus have 2 wait and see thank you
Reply 7
wat do u think the chances r that they will sack me
Reply 8
Really can't say-it comes down to the people you work with imo. If they are a nice, understanding manager then obviously you wont be sacked, but if they are just looking for authority, are not very understanding and don't care about their staff they will probably use it as an opportunity to sack you! (Sorry to put it harshly)

As I said I really wouldn't worry as whatever happens it'll be fine-if they sack you, you will win an appeal and be paid for any hours that you should've worked but didn't due to being sacked so it's a bonus!
Reply 9
I work for river island and I haven't been here long (about a month) and I already lost my lanyard which had my fob on it, they seemed annoyed but was fair with me and just at asked me to look for it, I was given a new one and I forgot it one day and I still have it but my fob seems to not be on it, I am going to work now and there's a possibility it's that it has fallen off when over took my locker off. I am full of panic, it looks really unprofessional and I feel like they will not take me seriously and might let me go, I am only 16 and I'm afraid they could think I'm not up to the challenge.