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Computer science confusion

Im currently in year 11 and want to do comp sci at uni but my school doesn’t do computer science. Do I need to do it? I’m going to do maths not further maths.
Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
Most Unis don't actually require Computer Science for their degree courses, only maths at most, except may the best of the best.
I'm in Y13 currently also going for a degree in Comp Sci, so I can't speak for if when you actually get to the degree it is important to have A Level Comp Sci, but most unis seem to base their Y1 modules around learning the basics of Comp Sci so you may be fine without.
As above - you do not actually need an A level in CS, most Unis will only specify Maths.
Reply 3
Original post by amreece!
Im currently in year 11 and want to do comp sci at uni but my school doesn’t do computer science. Do I need to do it? I’m going to do maths not further maths.
Thanks :smile:
I would advise doing maths and focusing maths A-level n doing CS and programming by yourself rather than doing the actual A -level cs is worthless most of the time . If your doing 3 alevels pick 1 hard like maths and 2 fairly easier like business or film media
Focus on getting a* and a on these subject

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