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Struggling with y13 A-Level Maths content

Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Reply 2
Original post by Deadaboodee
Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.
Try using a physics and math tutor to get a question specifically on trigonometry. Do them, making sure use are understanding what they are doing each step. Also, try making video, they are a great variety of video that explain the topic well. If you then still have question, annotated them and ask your math teachers.
Reply 3
Original post by Deadaboodee
Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.
Math is not like other subjects, where you just have to learn the knowledge; you have to be able to do it.
The only way you can get better at math is by practicing math. Getting familiar with the type of question they could ask you.
Reply 4
Original post by Deadaboodee
Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.

Have you tried using the Dr Frost website?
Reply 5
Original post by Muttley79
Have you tried using the Dr Frost website?

No I haven’t heard about it, but I’ll use it in my revision! Thank you so much (answers)

as @Muttley79 has said, Dr Frost is rlly helpful, and also worksheets from Maths Genie, PMT and Corbett maths
Reply 7
Original post by Deadaboodee
Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.

Hi! I hope you are doing ok, honestly I understand the topics in year 13 maths are quite hard. I didn’t get to the trigonometry bit, but one thing I can try to advice you is try to use Bicen maths, Physics and maths tutor!!! These are one of the best tutors out there, there are more but these are the ones I can think about now.
How are you doing with trigonometry now!? Also as a year 13 student try not to compare yourself with others, so what if they are doing better, you might get there soon. Make sure to do questions and try to understand them step by step.
Good Luck :smile:
Sorry if this wasn’t helpful!
Reply 8
Original post by T Katie
Try using a physics and math tutor to get a question specifically on trigonometry. Do them, making sure use are understanding what they are doing each step. Also, try making video, they are a great variety of video that explain the topic well. If you then still have question, annotated them and ask your math teachers.

you mentioned physics and maths tutor, but their website doesnt seem to be working helpppp!!!
Reply 9
Original post by fajralz
you mentioned physics and maths tutor, but their website doesnt seem to be working helpppp!!!

I think I Heard It’s not .com but*
in terms of practice, madas maths has some incredible worksheets for most of the maths content, with questions ranging from exam level to extremely difficult - just search "madasmaths [topic] questions" into your search engine and some brilliant files should come up with like 200+ questions
Original post by stanc427
in terms of practice, madas maths has some incredible worksheets for most of the maths content, with questions ranging from exam level to extremely difficult - just search "madasmaths [topic] questions" into your search engine and some brilliant files should come up with like 200+ questions

No, do not use Madas - it's not been updated for some time as the author died.
Original post by Muttley79
No, do not use Madas - it's not been updated for some time as the author died.

really? ive found it extremely helpful, and im just talking about those documents with loads of questions not the full website itself
Original post by stanc427
really? ive found it extremely helpful, and im just talking about those documents with loads of questions not the full website itself

It is not well-aligned to the new spec.
Original post by Muttley79
It is not well-aligned to the new spec.

that makes sense, i just find it fun to do the harder problems to kind of help my skills, particularly with year 2 calculus
Original post by Deadaboodee
Hello, I am currently doing Edexcel A-Level Maths and I am finding it a lot more challenging than the year 12 content. I did a test on trigonometry (Year 13) few weeks ago and I did miserably. I found it very challenging, but all my classmates found it alright. I am feeling so behind and like I am not gonna do well since most of the year 13 content is basically trigonometry. I honestly don't know what to do. Please if you have any advice it would be appreciated.


I also did Edexcel A Level Mathematics and can very much relate to everything that you have said. Did you do an AS Level in Maths?

I always found that the end of topic assessments we had were always significantly harder than the mocks or actual exams so do bear that in mind. The best bit of advice I can give you is to just practice as much as possible, including doing as many past papers as possible, ideally under exam conditions. You can also use the past papers from other exam boards as the content is not too dissimilar.

I found the practice books were very good for additional practice and they contained questions which even my maths teachers struggled to answer so I would greatly recommend them.

I hope this helps, if you have any further questions please do let me know.

Law LLB Student
Original post by stanc427
that makes sense, i just find it fun to do the harder problems to kind of help my skills, particularly with year 2 calculus

I agree that although the MADAS content may not be the most up to date or entirely relevant to the current specification, it is still very good practice and I would still recommend that you make use of these materials. Likewise, not all the content on the old specifications are relevant but still makes great practice.

I agree that the MADAS questions were very fun and helped with problem solving with the harder content which is key for A Level Maths.

Law LLB Student
YOUTUBE (credentials are A* in maths) and past papers of course
Reply 18
Original post by fajralz
you mentioned physics and maths tutor, but their website doesnt seem to be working helpppp!!!
The website is workin again

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