The Student Room Group

Senior Maths Challenge

Hi everyone, I wondered how everyone found the maths Challenge.
Hopefully people have their scores by now.
I thought it was slightly easier than last year. (As seen by kangaroo and BMO qualification going up by 4 marks)

I do wonder, and this is complete speculation:
If they are trying to reduce the number of people competing in BMO1 As 110 is the highest needed in recent memory and the kangaroo boundary is at a normal area.
We do know that the increasing numbers taking BMO1 is causing problems for them (it was a little under 2000 last year I believe which is way higher than the little over 1000 they aim for).
Also,I know this is totally anecdotal but, the number in my school qualifying for BMO has had a rather sharp drop this year from a little under 10 to 1 person.
Hi! I got silver which im happy with 🙂
I don’t know about the BMO stuff though
@sdfj @weetabix_muncher
Reply 2
Original post by DerDracologe
Hi! I got silver which im happy with 🙂
I don’t know about the BMO stuff though
@sdfj @weetabix_muncher

Little idea about the BMO sorry
Little idea about the BMO sorry

Yeah i guessed as much but tagged you cos i know you did it so thread might be of interest, shrug
managed to get a broze even after getting a 6 at gcse, first time doing it and found it ok!!
Original post by charlieintescos
managed to get a broze even after getting a 6 at gcse, first time doing it and found it ok!!

Nice! Are you doing maths a level or no?
Reply 6
Original post by DerDracologe
Hi! I got silver which im happy with 🙂
I don’t know about the BMO stuff though
@sdfj @weetabix_muncher

that's really good. Means you were top third. The stuff about BMO only really applies to the top bunch of people
Reply 7
Original post by charlieintescos
managed to get a broze even after getting a 6 at gcse, first time doing it and found it ok!!

That's a good score. You've got to bear in mind most of the people doing this have got 8s and 9s. Maybe the type of questions work better with you mind than GCSE/ A level questions
Reply 8
I am in year 11, and managed to qualify to BMO, I thought the test was very nice. Hilariously, many people in my school failed the dice problem because they didn’t know opposite sides on a dice sum to 7. As for whether or not UKMT are trying to decrease number of BMO participants, I can only speculate but all the extra people have paid to get in to BMO so i would have thought UKMT would be okay with it.

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