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Personal statement conclusion help

I have written my personal statement, to apply for an undergrad degree in Psychology with Education. My predicted grades are AAB and i’m hoping to apply to mostly russell group universities (Durham, Warwick, Bristol, York) my teachers at school say the conclusion needs to be the best part- and really make an impact. i’m struggling to know the types of things i could say, that’s genuinely impactful, any help or ideas ?
Original post by markedbymegan
I have written my personal statement, to apply for an undergrad degree in Psychology with Education. My predicted grades are AAB and i’m hoping to apply to mostly russell group universities (Durham, Warwick, Bristol, York) my teachers at school say the conclusion needs to be the best part- and really make an impact. i’m struggling to know the types of things i could say, that’s genuinely impactful, any help or ideas ?

Hi @markedbymegan

This can feel like the hardest part and you're teachers are right - you want to end your statement with something great - but try not to put too much pressure on it. The more you overthink it, the harder if can be.

I finished mine with a brief mention of what I would like to do after my degree/with my degree. I found this showed my future aspirations and also my interest in the subject I was applying for as I had future plans within the sector.

Try to take the pressure off the ending of your statement, and start to write what feels right. The first thing you write might not be what you include in your final statement, but I always find it easier to redraft my work than stare at a blank page.

Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi @markedbymegan
This can feel like the hardest part and you're teachers are right - you want to end your statement with something great - but try not to put too much pressure on it. The more you overthink it, the harder if can be.
I finished mine with a brief mention of what I would like to do after my degree/with my degree. I found this showed my future aspirations and also my interest in the subject I was applying for as I had future plans within the sector.
Try to take the pressure off the ending of your statement, and start to write what feels right. The first thing you write might not be what you include in your final statement, but I always find it easier to redraft my work than stare at a blank page.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

Thank you so much this is really helpful :smile:

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