The Student Room Group

She likes me??

So I met this girl at my psychology lecture at univeristy and it was the first time we saw each other so out of courtesy, I tell her to sit in the front with me and she does the same. After that both of us accompanied by our friends go out to the city and do absolutely nothing.
But after that, I text her about something not that serious and she says that she wants to know why I feel the way I said on text and wishes to see me and then WALKS to the library at night just to get to know what I meant and after that we go out for a walk just the two of us and she says that she dosent usually go for 'walks' bagasse of some incident and after that as it was pretty late I walk her home and that's that but after that night she feels kind of cold not as in ignoring me but maybe distancing herself from me.
We did meet today, but didn't talk too much because we had some company with us and then she left early as well.

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