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New UCL International Management BSc

There’s apparently a new undergraduate management course at UCL called International Management starting next year. I haven’t really seen any info about it apart from the UCL website and no one is really talking about it or they just don’t even know about it .

It sounds fun but I want ur guy’s opinion on if it’s worth taking cause it’s such a new course and if u lot have any other information on it.

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Original post by kiwandeep
There’s apparently a new undergraduate management course at UCL called International Management starting next year. I haven’t really seen any info about it apart from the UCL website and no one is really talking about it or they just don’t even know about it .
It sounds fun but I want ur guy’s opinion on if it’s worth taking cause it’s such a new course and if u lot have any other information on it.

Hi. Did you end up applying for it? Still to this day there’s not much know about it. Will likely stay like that till the first cohort takes the risk of trialing this new course.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
Hi. Did you end up applying for it? Still to this day there’s not much know about it. Will likely stay like that till the first cohort takes the risk of trialing this new course.

I did end up applying and the course on paper sounds really good, but due to the lack of information and the fact that it's the first year, I could be taking a very big risk. I just wish that there was a bit more info, I emailed them about it and they said to just read the website
Original post by kiwandeep
I did end up applying and the course on paper sounds really good, but due to the lack of information and the fact that it's the first year, I could be taking a very big risk. I just wish that there was a bit more info, I emailed them about it and they said to just read the website

What grades did you apply with if you don’t mind me asking? A few mates of mine were interested in it as they had the same issues about the content uncertainty. U recon it will be competitive?
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
What grades did you apply with if you don’t mind me asking? A few mates of mine were interested in it as they had the same issues about the content uncertainty. U recon it will be competitive?

I’m doing Maths, Physics and Psychology. I’m on an A*A*A predicted (a little too high but I’m not complaining).

If anyone has applied, pls let me know 🙏
Reply 5
Original post by kiwandeep
I did end up applying and the course on paper sounds really good, but due to the lack of information and the fact that it's the first year, I could be taking a very big risk. I just wish that there was a bit more info, I emailed them about it and they said to just read the website

what were ur pgs if u dont mind? ive applied as well
Original post by kiwandeep
There’s apparently a new undergraduate management course at UCL called International Management starting next year. I haven’t really seen any info about it apart from the UCL website and no one is really talking about it or they just don’t even know about it .
It sounds fun but I want ur guy’s opinion on if it’s worth taking cause it’s such a new course and if u lot have any other information on it.

Super risky as it’s a first year course, teacher experience may lack?
Original post by J1111112238939
I’m gonna be honest you just said on Kcl page that your applying to that course. Why are you discouraging others from applying as well? Not nice mate

I’m doing it because I’m interested in the subject, this person stated that he is doing it for a career path. I’m not trying to discourage but he may find this subject boring / dropout if he is not doing it for the interest of the course but for something else instead. Sorry if I came off as discouraging, just trying to help this guy not waste 4 years of his life if he wants to get into IB there are other courses which will be linked to the job better.
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
I’m doing it because I’m interested in the subject, this person stated that he is doing it for a career path. I’m not trying to discourage but he may find this subject boring / dropout if he is not doing it for the interest of the course but for something else instead. Sorry if I came off as discouraging, just trying to help this guy not waste 4 years of his life if he wants to get into IB there are other courses which will be linked to the job better.

All good mate. Mb for calling you out 👍🏻
Original post by J1111112238939
All good mate. Mb for calling you out 👍🏻

Don’t worry brother, I did come off as a bit rude / discouraging seeming that I’m also applying for this course, just didn’t want this guy to make the wrong decision, he should really assess the reason he wants to go to uni after all it is 3-4years of your life.
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
Don’t worry brother, I did come off as a bit rude / discouraging seeming that I’m also applying for this course, just didn’t want this guy to make the wrong decision, he should really assess the reason he wants to go to uni after all it is 3-4years of your life.

Nah that’s fair mate dw abt it I jumped to conclusions. Everyone is free to apply to anything. In terms of finance you are wasting your money and time applying for international management 100%. Management science is the way to go for that path. If you want careers like consultancy, international management may be the way. Although from what I’ve heard it’s a course focused for international students so will be tough for nationals
Original post by J1111112238939
Nah that’s fair mate dw abt it I jumped to conclusions. Everyone is free to apply to anything. In terms of finance you are wasting your money and time applying for international management 100%. Management science is the way to go for that path. If you want careers like consultancy, international management may be the way. Although from what I’ve heard it’s a course focused for international students so will be tough for nationals

As you know I’ve applied to ucl for IM, do you think I’m wasting time and money doing this course? Also I’m a national student so how bad are my odds of getting and offer from this course compared to internationals. I’m predicted A*A*A
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
As you know I’ve applied to ucl for IM, do you think I’m wasting time and money doing this course? Also I’m a national student so how bad are my odds of getting and offer from this course compared to internationals. I’m predicted A*A*A

You have great predicted grades. I’d personally advise you go for the management sciences course. The requirements are A* A A which you exceed so you’d have decent changes to say the least. Issue is with this IM course I’ve heard it’s been created to raise money by accepting majority international students who pay 4x the fees. This isn’t confirmed but heard it a lot. Out of what you get of the degrees management science offers a lot more career opportunities and skills. You have a strong profile from the sounds of it so I would suggest that.
Original post by J1111112238939
You have great predicted grades. I’d personally advise you go for the management sciences course. The requirements are A* A A which you exceed so you’d have decent changes to say the least. Issue is with this IM course I’ve heard it’s been created to raise money by accepting majority international students who pay 4x the fees. This isn’t confirmed but heard it a lot. Out of what you get of the degrees management science offers a lot more career opportunities and skills. You have a strong profile from the sounds of it so I would suggest that.

Thank you for your advice, it’s greatly appreciated and I will consider it
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
Thank you for your advice, it’s greatly appreciated and I will consider it

You are welcome mate. I would have applied to management science if I could have but unfortunately my grades are lower then required so would be almost an instant rejection on my part. Anyways I’ve got an offer at Exeter I’ll probably firm regardless
Original post by J1111112238939
You are welcome mate. I would have applied to management science if I could have but unfortunately my grades are lower then required so would be almost an instant rejection on my part. Anyways I’ve got an offer at Exeter I’ll probably firm regardless

What course are u doing and where r u applying? Got offers from Exeter and Warwick also, Exeter is a nice place and good student life so would be a pretty good firm tbh
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
What course are u doing and where r u applying? Got offers from Exeter and Warwick also, Exeter is a nice place and good student life so would be a pretty good firm tbh

At Exeter I’ve got an offer for investment banking which is appealing to me. Also got offers from Southampton and Birmingham for accounting and finance. Waiting on Kings college for politics and economics. Hbu?
Original post by Hugoooooooooeeoe
What course are u doing and where r u applying? Got offers from Exeter and Warwick also, Exeter is a nice place and good student life so would be a pretty good firm tbh

Congrats on ur offers btw warrick is a great one but unfortunately the city is absolutely trash and a big reason why people don’t go. Not for everyone but if you only care about academics definitely a great choice
Original post by J1111112238939
Congrats on ur offers btw warrick is a great one but unfortunately the city is absolutely trash and a big reason why people don’t go. Not for everyone but if you only care about academics definitely a great choice

Ive applied to Exeter (Business management), kings (bm), ucl (im), Warwick (im), bath (im). I’ve seen that Exeter investment banking course and it does look very interesting so contrasts on that, currently I wouldn’t mind going to Warwick even though Coventry is very bad but I would really want to go to a London uni if I get the offers.

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