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what is your religion?

me: muslim
Original post by luvsunsets
me: muslim

Reply 3
Follower of Christ.
Christian, “high church” Anglican. So “vaguely Roman Catholic” devotion and prayer to the Mary and the Saints, auricular confession, vestments, incense and candles in church but with clergy who can (not must, not all do) marry, who are are of both genders and have a much, much looser relationship with the Papacy (I think Apostolicae Curae is still in force but happily there’s no real bitterness now on either side).

It’s a sort of continuum in the Anglican and Episcopalian tradition from more or less Lutheran to pre-1969 Roman Catholic rites in Tudor English or even in Latin, with the most traditional now having a parallel all-male episcopal structure (I think there are even a few tiny complete breakaway churches). I am more or less in the middle, personally very traditional but accepting and celebrating that the church must change.
(edited 2 months ago)
I am an atheist and after all what I got the buddhism is the only religion I can please with myself.
Original post by PinkMobilePhone
Roman Catholic

Are you christened as Roman Catholic or even really believe in? my christening have been long time ago, but never confirmed it.
Original post by Kallisto
Are you christened as Roman Catholic or even really believe in? my christening have been long time ago, but never confirmed it.

Christened, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, the works.

I was raised in a Polish Catholic household. My grandmother was, and my mother is, extremely religious.

Admittedly I haven't been to church since May 2023 but I pray every day.

As for do I believe, yes almost entirely. There are a few things I disagree with but I believe in enough to still consider myself a Catholic.
Original post by PinkMobilePhone
Christened, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, the works.

I was raised in a Polish Catholic household. My grandmother was, and my mother is, extremely religious.

Admittedly I haven't been to church since May 2023 but I pray every day.

As for do I believe, yes almost entirely. There are a few things I disagree with but I believe in enough to still consider myself a Catholic.

And may I learn in which things you disagree with and why? I am just curious.
Original post by Kallisto
And may I learn in which things you disagree with and why? I am just curious.

I don't take the creation story in Genesis literally, more as representative of ages / eons than just 6 days.

And I don't think sex before marriage or homosexuality are punishable with hell. Jesus preached love one another.

I think animals have souls.

I also think divorce is sometimes a necessity.
I am a Christian and I am non demontional and attend an Anglican church today.

I used to browse this website in another age when I was looking to study an A level in Religion. Something made me look back on this website. I think it is just something I passed through. I am not certain how often I intend to revisit again.

I have had a lifetime interest in religion and my journey started really at 16 as a Christian and I note my journey from there in my witness below.

Trying to give back to others in difficult times it is hard for me to not do that. The world and people's suffering really concerns me. I thought I would share my journey with my faith with you as well if any potential people who may find it helpful. My faith has been the most important thing in my life and the best gift I could have ever received. I wrote my witness to my faith on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and about my journey. I am not looking for comments on this though here and to debate this. In this community I think may be though you may wish to chose to skip the section on healing and miracles, but that is down to you of course.

It can be read and video watched for lifetime evidence on my single blog page or downloaded free as an ebook.

Link to my my blog page on it

Link to blog page

Also where it can be downloaded for free as a Google document without the above video

Link to ebook

I wish you all well on your journeys and good luck.
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by luvsunsets
me: muslim

hindu !!

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