Testing yourself with end-of-topic questions at the end of each section of your textbook whenever you are done with a topic.
Have test days under exam condition - print them from a-levelchemistry.co.uk
Use Allery chem videos to teach yourself, he is going to be your teacher.
Have a plan of days and lessons to do each day (watch allery chem+do practice exercises) each day
For notes, use chemrevise or make ur own
if u don't understand something: machemguy
if u need quick revision/brush up on skills: machemguy
In march, start practising past papers under exam conditions from a-levelchemistry.co.uk, also analyse them to pinpoint topics where u make the most mistakes for each paper and focus on these weaknesses
In may, start using actual past paper (specimens etc)
In june, use the real ones and carry on doing the same thing as in march
good luck, you got this!
Last reply 3 weeks ago
AQA A-level Physical Education Paper 1 (7582/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]20