Social - you meet a lot of people in a lot of different contexts!
Immersive - being at uni to me felt like being in a whole new community of people with a shared aim, which I found to be really supportive and satisfying.
Unique - uni opens so many doors for you, many of which are completely unexpected and unique. Make sure you make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way!
Fun, socialising and relaxing with friends
Studying for exams
Applying for jobs
Independent - you have the freedom to choose how you spend your time.
Interesting - you get to study a subject you love.
Fun - there are so many opportunities to get involved with.
Social- You get to meet a wide variety of new people.
Fun- There's always something to get involved in.
Individual- University life is what you make of it, everyone's experience is different.
FUN. I have really enjoyed uni and have found it really fun. There is always so much to do and lots of people to meet and talk to which I have really enjoyed.
INDEPENDANT. You get to live by yourself, usually for the first time, which I liked and found it really fun to be independent. You cook and clean for yourself an just living at uni independently is a lot of fun. Even if you don't live at uni, it is still very independent as you are required to keep on top of your own work and do a lot of independent reading and studying.
SOCIAL. There are so many opportunities to meet people and be social which I like a lot. Societies are great ways of meeting people and being social and there are usually lots of these at uni. There will also be lots of other opportunities to be social too so get involved!
Last reply 1 week ago
1st Years: what's been your biggest challenge of university so far?Last reply 1 month ago
about to start uni and I can't bear to live with my failure18