The Student Room Group

Dsa how long

I had my needs based assessment on 16th September. They sent the final recommendations to me and said this would be sent to the funding body for final confirmations. Its now mid october and i still havent received final confirmation of any it and when i will receive the help etc. Does it usually take a month after?
Reply 2
Original post by Vickydavies
I had my needs based assessment on 16th September. They sent the final recommendations to me and said this would be sent to the funding body for final confirmations. Its now mid october and i still havent received final confirmation of any it and when i will receive the help etc. Does it usually take a month after?

Hi Vicky, I actually run a dsa support company, we are seeing. Dsa2 letters (the letter that confirms what you’re entitled to) coming out a little over a month from the date on the needs assessment stipulated as : report to funding body, I hope this is helpful?
Ps, make sure you call your support companies, they don’t get a copy of your dsa2 letter, and make sure if you want support in person that you get it! If the companies try to give you online support, and that’s not what you want, go back to your needs assessor and ask them for help :-)

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