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Oxbridge Econ Courses

I got 9887777777 for gcse AND Maths, Economics, History for Alevel + EPQ

Oxbridge for Econ, although I don’t know what Econ course to do yet. Maybe E&M or History and Econ.

Also, regarding H&ECON , how much maths is there in History and Economics, because there is not much info about this course. Finally, can someone who does this course, give me an insight to what it’s all about, as well as the percentage of Maths compared to essays.

Thank you
Reply 1
Firstly only Oxford has Eco + Management. You should try and apply for E&M if you want a good mix of Maths + analytical essay writing. History + Eco doesn't have as much maths and perhaps you might have been better of taking an essay subject such as English Lit as well, although tbh History alone should suffice.

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