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So obsessed with my teacher...of the same sex

Ok so theres this Chemistry teacher, who is female (so am i) and i absolutely LOVE her. I think she is so cool and friendly and generally admire her. I feel a great connection between me and her and i genuinely feel we hav a lot in common. However, its started to escalate into a bit of an obsession - ill walk the long way round school just in case i "bang into her" or stay late after lessons so i can have a chat. She is so nice and to be honest i just want to be her "friend". i mean i know someone people may find that hard to understand but im truly obsessed. I think about when im next going to see her like 80% of the day. BUT im not gay, like im 99% sure of it - its totally platonic. So what im asking is whether this is "ok" to feel like this, or whether i must be confused or what!?
Any advice would be great

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yeah, i get what you mean. It's probably not anything "gay" - it sounds more like you idolise her in a sense, that you want to be "like her".
What age are you, and what age is she? cos its doubt its unheard of for a sixth former to be friends with a teacher in their twenties.
Anyway, good luck with it :smile:
hope this helps
of course it is allright... its not like you're in love with her! To like your teacher does not mean you are gay, just means the teacher is good and right to teach you
If you idolise someone, you want to be around them as much as possible to try to become like them. It happens.
I agree with previous posts, I think you idolise her. And there's nothing wrong in that in itself :smile:

but it is good that you're recognising that you're getting a little bit carried away. And more to the point, it's important that she doesn't start to think it's weird!

Some people reaaaaally obsess over celebs or friends that they want to be like. And over time, it'll cool off a bit :smile:

Really, it's just great you get on so well with your teacher! So don't worry about your sexuality, just maintain a friendship :smile:
I had this with a geography teacher. (Female, as am i) Like i would go to her room to ask questions about homework etc...even though i totally knew how to do it. (In a slightly weirder way, i'd get jealous when other people would talk to her) I'm not at school anymore and i do still think about her sometimes. I'm not gay, i dunno, i just really wanted to be like her.
Reply 6
Yeah I totally had that with a few teachers. One of them's now one of my best friends :smile: Don't worry, just don't be an idiot :smile:
Reply 7
Aw, that's kinda cute that you walk the long way round even though you don't fancy her. I'm exactly the same with my male teacher and I do fancy him.
I've got thiswith a teacher too... i can't stop thinking about her and I want to be with her all the time, but not in a romantic way if that makes sense...

on the plus side because of it i do really well in her class :smile:

I'm worried about leaving school this summer when y13 is finished. What if i never see her again?
I'm just the same with my maths teacher and i do fancy her! and we both chat loads and smile when we pass each other. its nice, shes just like a friend!. no harm in that is there :smile:
There's nothing wrong with being close to a role model. Do not feel bad about it. If you're worried you're too obsessive about her, try to pick up a new hobby or something. I have a very obsessive personality as well, but I try to control it the best I can! :smile:

Also, don't mention it to her. It might freak her out!
Jesus ******* christ; you're all in love with your teachers?!

This isn't normal...
well its not exactly abnormal unless we're all jumping into bed with them.
Its alright... but you have to understand that your relationship must remain proffessional while you are her student... though it isn't wrong for you to be friends after you've left
Reply 14
I've had this happen to me too with a few teachers. I think it's normal, nothing to worry about, unless you start following her home and spying through her windows.
ill walk the long way round school just in case i "bang into her"

Your creative use of language just gave you your own answer.
I had the exact same thing with a teacher of same sex and it wasnt love or anything. I worked out it was because she would give me attention. You will get over it pretty quickly though once you just stop doing it, but i did the exact same things, even the walking in the hope to bump into her. Dont worry about it too much, just try to reduce it :smile:
Wow, oh my god, i left school now like 4 years ago but had exactly the same thing and thought I must have been the only one! Walked the long way round in the hope of bumping into her, chatted to her after lessons etc etc. Dunno though, think I did have feelings for her at the time but it turned out to be a phase. but to be honest once i left school.. it faded pretty fast but i do think about her sometimes. but not much and am not bothered anymore.
If you idolise someone, you want to be around them as much as possible to try to become like them. It happens.

Yes ... I feel sorry for them who idolise me ... they're like little ducklings around a mother goose... I have had to break a lot of hearts unintentionally.
In a way it's like some girls and their best friends who obsess over each other...they cannot stop adoring each other over the littlest thing... I wouldn't worry. It's not as if you're physically attracted to other women now is it?