The Student Room Group

University of St Andrews - ethnic minority student?

As per the title, I applied to the University of St Andrews (Arts and Humanities). But I am Chinese, and am worried that St Andrews would be populated by classist / racist upper class people. Has anyone had any unpleasant experience as a student with an ethnic minority background like Asian, East Asian, Black etc? I really want to go there but this concern strikes me, and I know that other universities like Edinburgh, UCL are much diverse but would still want to consider St Andrews.
Thanks for reading and please do not hesitate to share stories!
Original post by mardonius
As per the title, I applied to the University of St Andrews (Arts and Humanities). But I am Chinese, and am worried that St Andrews would be populated by classist / racist upper class people. Has anyone had any unpleasant experience as a student with an ethnic minority background like Asian, East Asian, Black etc? I really want to go there but this concern strikes me, and I know that other universities like Edinburgh, UCL are much diverse but would still want to consider St Andrews.
Thanks for reading and please do not hesitate to share stories!

It will be fine. You will have a great time.

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