The Student Room Group

Oxford Undergrad Economics

Is it possible to get into oxford undergrad economics with a level politics, a level economics and a level accounting? If not, what should i change? Ive seen that the entry requirements are straight a’s so if i was to theoretically achieve that in these subjects what is the likelihood that i get in?
By "Oxford undergrad Economics" do you mean PPE, or Economics and Management, or Economics and History?

Bin Accounting. You are required to take A Level Maths in order to read Economics and Management. Maths is recommended for those seeking to read PPE. You could try for PPE with, say, History or Philosophy as your third A level, but bear in mind that you would be up against people who are strong in Maths. For Economics and History, A level Maths and History are recommended subjects.

All of the information about required and recommended subjects and admission processes and standards is available on the University of Oxford website.
(edited 1 month ago)

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