Commute time How long is the commute door to door? if it's like half an hour or so that's probably ok but if your looking at an hour it can become very tiring particularly if you have changes. While on way may not seem like a long time you'll need to double the time because your going there and back so 2 hours can quickly turn into 4 hours that's not to mention train delays strikes and the like.
Cost How much does it cost 5 days a week? (Always assume 5 days a week) it's easy to say "oh I'll save money on bill rent etc" the problem with this is it's not true in university halls all bills internet water electricity is included if we take my university it costs £128.75 a day on the train alone add £8 pounds for the bus to the station that's £168.75 when you think the most expensive halls at my uni are £159.25 a week so you could actually save money by living in halls.
Social life how social do you want to be anything over a 30 minute commute (in the local area) and you will miss out. a night out will require a hotel or a taxi home if you commute and tour parents won't want you coming in on Thursday morning (why Thursday? you'll see) at 3am blind drunk no if you want a social life halls are a far better option.
Last reply 2 weeks ago
1st Years: what's been your biggest challenge of university so far?Last reply 1 month ago
about to start uni and I can't bear to live with my failure17