hello! I'm robin [they/he], you may know me from my gyg last year. this is a digital diary of sorts to commemorate a very strange but exciting new time in my life. happy to have you join me in my first year [studying maths] at uni!
so! getting on well for the most part so far: • my flatmates are great, meeting lots of people on my course & outside of it who I'm friendly with but not necessarily friends with yet • course is going okay, there's some bits I have to go over after lectures but feeling good about it atm! • in one society which is good fun, doing a couple other clubs so I'm decently busy in the week, weekends are quite empty at the minute to be honest
also i am finally getting over fresher's flu yippee!
so! getting on well for the most part so far: • my flatmates are great, meeting lots of people on my course & outside of it who I'm friendly with but not necessarily friends with yet • course is going okay, there's some bits I have to go over after lectures but feeling good about it atm! • in one society which is good fun, doing a couple other clubs so I'm decently busy in the week, weekends are quite empty at the minute to be honest also i am finally getting over fresher's flu yippee!
19/10/24 good day so far! went to the pool this morning to make the most of my free gym membership. I love swimming so it was a really nice start to the day, I'm very glad I went in the end. just been doing a bit of work, submitting a couple assignments due for next week. I also have a biographical essay due on Monday so I need to proof read and tweak that this weekend. otherwise I'm thinking of going to a new society tomorrow because I've been finding weekends very empty so hopefully that will fill a gap. [I'm only in one soc atm so another feels like a good plan]
will let you know how it goes tomorrow!
here's your sign to use your uni resources and infrastructure whilst you're entitled to use it
2 /11/24 still alive yippee! going to new society went well, I have joined it & have a bonfire event tomorrow [my flatmate who I normally go with has gone home though so fingers crossed it'll still be fun] have been really enjoying my welsh classes keeping on top of uni work fine atm, did a bit in the library earlier. had the afternoon off friday to rot, have done a bit of a reset this morning and feeling much better. enjoy reading week if you have one!!! [I don't ]
2 /11/24 still alive yippee! going to new society went well, I have joined it & have a bonfire event tomorrow [my flatmate who I normally go with has gone home though so fingers crossed it'll still be fun] have been really enjoying my welsh classes keeping on top of uni work fine atm, did a bit in the library earlier. had the afternoon off friday to rot, have done a bit of a reset this morning and feeling much better. enjoy reading week if you have one!!! [I don't ]
yay glad youre having a good time!! sometimes braving it and going alone is the best way to find new people
yeah!!! it was actually really fun in the end, I'm very glad I went. how are you finding meeting people?
I've amazed myself tbh haha!!! im normally very awkward at first but I made a little promise to myself to just grab all opportunities and get involved even if Im not sure haha 😀
I've amazed myself tbh haha!!! im normally very awkward at first but I made a little promise to myself to just grab all opportunities and get involved even if Im not sure haha 😀
15/12/24 Season's greetings! I am home for the holidays yay! So lovely to be back, although having to revise for January exams is not lovely Last few weeks were good! Lots of fun society stuff although I ended up missing the Christmas meals. Had a presentation which went well, and some group projects that we finished up. Hope all are well and enjoying being or are soon to be home! I'm very excited to see my home friends again. Revision wise, I have 4 modules that I have exams for in January, mainly looking at going over my notes & condensing them until I can do past papers. Today I focused on calculus, made notes then did part of a past paper. Tomorrow I plan to tackle the beast that is probability
Yesterday went well! Did all the bits I'd planned to. Today I've done maybe half an hour more of probability revision, going to do another 15 mins then meeting up with a friend yippee!
merry christmas and happy holiday to all!!! I hope you're all having fun I've had a fantastic couple of days It's been lovely! not going to feel guilty about not revising, but might begin again in the next couple days.
hey besties!! so first exam went fine I think . however since I have been struck with plague (a throat infection) not feeling fabulous, haven't done any work since Thursday the plan is to dose up & go to my exam [masked up ofc] if I can possibly make it, in the hopes I'll pass anyway fingers crossed touch wood, however also fill out a form to say I'm ill so I could resit in summer if I do fail. pass mark is 40% and this exam is 80% of this module's grade so I don't have to do too well and hopefully can scrape through darn university air istg. wish me luck! hopefully everyone is settling back into uni alright or enjoying the last of their hols. good luck in exams if anyone has any!!