I managed to get my ucas grades to ABB after some hard work in chemistry (B) and psychology (A), I had to ask for a grade b in biology (move from c to b), but my biology teacher said something that really shook my confidence and ever since ive been having performance anxiety in exams that I can't shake out of. I end up performing horribly because im always second guessing myself, panicking and misreading questions and my exam technique has worsened. i feel a bit insecure. my most recent class test I got 14/38 this is the worst ive ever performed on any test. I missed so many marks because I crossed out the right answers or I misread questions. does anyone have any advice with being confident with biology and consolidation techniques, how to tackle different styles of questions. after what she said, I want to feel more determined to get more than a B, I want an A* but she really lowered my confidence and I can see it affecting me.