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A level Biology revision

I managed to get my ucas grades to ABB after some hard work in chemistry (B) and psychology (A), I had to ask for a grade b in biology (move from c to b), but my biology teacher said something that really shook my confidence and ever since ive been having performance anxiety in exams that I can't shake out of. I end up performing horribly because im always second guessing myself, panicking and misreading questions and my exam technique has worsened. i feel a bit insecure. my most recent class test I got 14/38 this is the worst ive ever performed on any test. I missed so many marks because I crossed out the right answers or I misread questions. does anyone have any advice with being confident with biology and consolidation techniques, how to tackle different styles of questions. after what she said, I want to feel more determined to get more than a B, I want an A* but she really lowered my confidence and I can see it affecting me.
please start using Anki if you aren’t already using it. It’s online flashcards which are very helpful for biology especially, as it’s so heavy on content and processes. It’s quite a lot to explain but search up a youtube video of ‘how to set up anki’. I promise you it’ll be so beneficial for biology. I’ve always loved the subject but I got a 7 in GCSE biology which really destroyed my confidence for taking it as an A-Level. But now i’ve sent off my Med application with an A* predicted in BIology
Original post by Biohazard456
I managed to get my ucas grades to ABB after some hard work in chemistry (B) and psychology (A), I had to ask for a grade b in biology (move from c to b), but my biology teacher said something that really shook my confidence and ever since ive been having performance anxiety in exams that I can't shake out of. I end up performing horribly because im always second guessing myself, panicking and misreading questions and my exam technique has worsened. i feel a bit insecure. my most recent class test I got 14/38 this is the worst ive ever performed on any test. I missed so many marks because I crossed out the right answers or I misread questions. does anyone have any advice with being confident with biology and consolidation techniques, how to tackle different styles of questions. after what she said, I want to feel more determined to get more than a B, I want an A* but she really lowered my confidence and I can see it affecting me.

As a previous comment mentioned, anki is great for learning content.

I also recommend doing exam questions in timed conditions and making note of what you get wrong. Then you can put the markscheme wording on your flashcards so you're learning exactly what the markschemes are looking for.

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