The Student Room Group

Workload Jump Is Starting To Hit

I'm currently in Y13, I've just applied to medicine, have mocks in a month, extra A* challenge groups for every subject I've taken, not to mention I've also got to complete MOOCs, do a review of everything I've done beforehand topic wise so I don't miss anything and obviously lessons and homework. Damn I understimated how much would be going on. I like all my subjects, and I'm predicted A*A*A but keeping up is hard mentally. My outlets are gaming, working out , friends and music but in proportion studying takes up so much more time lol. I have to try cramming some things so I can get in bed around 9-10 and actually get a solid sleep lol.

I've started using Todoist to get better with organisation but if anyone has any tips on things I can do to ease workload whilst maintaining effective studying I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much lol.
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Original post by JDE98
I'm currently in Y13, I've just applied to medicine, have mocks in a month, extra A* challenge groups for every subject I've taken, not to mention I've also got to complete MOOCs, do a review of everything I've done beforehand topic wise so I don't miss anything and obviously lessons and homework. Damn I understimated how much would be going on. I like all my subjects, and I'm predicted A*A*A but keeping up is hard mentally. My outlets are gaming, working out , friends and music but in proportion studying takes up so much more time lol. I have to try cramming some things so I can get in bed around 9-10 and actually get a solid sleep lol.

I've started using Todoist to get better with organisation but if anyone has any tips on things I can do to ease workload whilst maintaining effective studying I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much lol.

What MOOCs are you doing and how much time is it taking off from your week? It's not strictly necessary for you to do MOOCs and they might not be that beneficial for your future than doing other things. Also, I assume you have study periods at school? Do you use them wisely?
Original post by Scotland Yard
What MOOCs are you doing and how much time is it taking off from your week? It's not strictly necessary for you to do MOOCs and they might not be that beneficial for your future than doing other things. Also, I assume you have study periods at school? Do you use them wisely?

I do extra study periods even when I've got frees just because I don't have much else to do. I am enrolled in two MOOCs, and I am doing one right now, because it free access expires the earliest. I know it isn't necessary but it did interest me and I felt it would be good to add substance to interviews if necessary. I'm not freaking out about them too much, I prioritse school work over it.

As for the study periods that's why I use the organisation app so I end up knowing what I'm doing for the hour. I think the workload hitting is just a side effect of actually using my time better and getting through more stuff, but I've definitely felt more tired recently, and I have massive mocks in a month.

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