I'm currently in Y13, I've just applied to medicine, have mocks in a month, extra A* challenge groups for every subject I've taken, not to mention I've also got to complete MOOCs, do a review of everything I've done beforehand topic wise so I don't miss anything and obviously lessons and homework. Damn I understimated how much would be going on. I like all my subjects, and I'm predicted A*A*A but keeping up is hard mentally. My outlets are gaming, working out , friends and music but in proportion studying takes up so much more time lol. I have to try cramming some things so I can get in bed around 9-10 and actually get a solid sleep lol.
I've started using Todoist to get better with organisation but if anyone has any tips on things I can do to ease workload whilst maintaining effective studying I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much lol.