Hi there,
I am currently in my gap year and have a deferred place at the Uni of York for English Literature, however, I am starting to consider possibly applying to the Uni of Manchester instead, or perhaps going through clearing when the time comes. I just can't decide. I am a highly sociable person, I love good nightlife and drinking culture, and a good music scene, but I'm starting to worry UoY won't have this. In fact a few things online say York is a touristy city with not-so-great nightlife.
I have about 4-5 friends who have gone to respective universities in Manchester, two of them to the UoM, and all of them love it. I am visiting them in November, so I can get a taste of Manchester. I am aware the accommodation is appalling in comparison to York, but it just seems like a much more vibrant place to go. I really liked York when I looked around but I didn't do so much research into student life there, so I am curious what it is like.
Both uni's are ranked and regarded pretty similar, so I'm not too fussed about that, I am just worried that the type of people who go to UoY won't be as interested in socialising and going out. This is a complete generalisation, hence why I am asking for advice and opinions. Any students from either uni care to share their thoughts? Any advice is appreciated.