Uhm this is like me opening up to this but also asking alot of things while opening up. I go to school and stuff i have a best friend we're close but sometimes I feel like starting fresh n forgetting out friendship. Why? We hangout and she has boy best friends but I just have her she used to like one of them well she liked one of them most recent and I did to but I lokey gave up on it only because she had a chance and I didn't. He even talked to her sometimes and I would stand and wacth while I knew it was never gonna happen but anyway the boy best friends would come to our table and mess with us they all liked her and treated me like trash but my bestie would never let it slide she stood up for me I never really told her how I felt about it I would just say it was ok but she's like the real friend because the friends I had would talk about me or lie mostly or just hang out to use me my bestie is very pretty and just perfect but am like the most not good looking.yea I like me but it's like I can be better looking and maybe I won't be so lonely mind u she's only who I have in this world my question is if I should move schools I don't want to but I hate seeing myself get treated like **** and I don't do nothing about it anymore. In class I just stare at the wall and think about the days I get treated like trash and try to be happy with my bestie but inside am still thinking about what I will do but yea