Hey guys don't really know how this works as this is my first post. I am currently a first year student at Stirling university and have just had a bit of a crisis, i am worried that i am going to find Stirling incredibly boring after a while, i know it is a small city/town vibe but i expected to be going into Glasgow quite a lot to do things, however i feel like that isn't going to happen much as i feel like most people don't want to do that (genuinely please correct me if i am wrong), i just feel like there isn't that much to do in Stirling and if people aren't going to go into Glasgow frequently then i'll become bored. I don't want to be stuck going to the same few local bars for the next four years of my life bored out of my mind, i want city life but to also be able to come back home to the country side too, i am not sure if Stirling is gonna give me that, I thought it would but maybe i was wrong, if anyone who is at or has been to Stirling could advise me on this that would be great.
Thanks Brynn.