The Student Room Group

What happens if you fail a coursework assignment? SOAS

Say if one assignment counts for 20% of the module grade, and another 80%. If I fail the one that counts for 20% but get a good grade for the one that counts for 80%, what happens? Do I get a chance to resubmit? Do I fail the whole module? Is the whole module capped at 50%? I am quite confused about that. I am postgraduate without mitigating circumstances.

Your best point of call for academic concerns and queries is to speak to the module convenor, they will be able to answer all your questions regarding assessments. Alternatively, you could speak to a member of the academic team for your course or your academic review tutor.

If you need any one-on-one help feel free to reach out to any of the staff members or student ambassadors on UniBuddies and they will get back to you very shortly (

I hope this helps 🙂

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