The Student Room Group


Do you know any effective ways to cope with stress?
I am very sure the best way to cope with stress is to write it off or exercise. Now write it off means you will be writing every point of what's causing you the stress and leave it off and read through it after some time and acknowledge from it what needs to be done to reduce pressure. As for exercise, you can try multiples staring from just even running or jumping jacks. Well, there you go 😊
Reply 2
Original post by Kingakrawczynska
Do you know any effective ways to cope with stress?

I think you should see your GP.

What is making you stressed?

There is a lot of support out there such as:

-The Samaritans, you can call 116 123, which is available 24 hours a day

-Mind, 0300 123 3393

-Saneline, 0300 304 7000, from 4.30pm-10.30pm

-The mix, 0800 808 4994, 11am-11pm

-SHOUT, text 852258, 24 hour text service

-Crises, 741741, text service

-Papyrus, 0800 068 4141, if you have thoughts of suicide or in emotional distress

-Rethink mental health, 0300 5000 927

-No Panic, 0800 138 8889

-Relate, they have a chat advisor

-NHS mental health, 111

-Mental Health 24/7: 0800 008 6516

-hubofhope website, useful contact information for your local area

You can self refer yourself to talking therapies on the NHS website.

There is the mind forum

Also Facebook groups

You can join support groups

You can contact a crises team if things get very bad Plenty of resources online, infor mation regarding well being.
Reply 3
I am currently experiencing stress in my life and would also like to learn how to deal with it better

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