The Student Room Group


(edited 3 months ago)
Universities expect applicants to disclose their academic records in full. You can't be sure of how well or badly you will do in future tests, and dropping out of a course after just one result may not be a wise decision. Life isn't a video game: you can't hit the reset button and start the level again. If you had mitigating circumstances, which impacted your work, it would be better to let your teachers of know these.
Original post by benevolent-conte
I want to study law at a RG uni so a pass in one unit would prevent me from getting an offer. I will disclose my academic history on UCAS and probably will drop out of the college course and pay to do an online law course so I can still possibly to a RGuniversity on Sept next year. I'm just wondering would it be likely for a rg uni to give me an offer based on that or no?
I have personal valid reasons as to why I got the pass but idk if that would be of any use now because I should of let the teacher know beforehand

Each university makes its own decisions, on a variety of factors, and I am unable to assess the likelihood of you receiving an offer from any university. It won't do any harm, and it might do some good, to tell your teachers why you didn't do as well as you think that could have done. You may need a Plan B, in case you have a mishap in another part of the course.

PS: "should have", not "should of". Linguistic precision is important in the law.

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