This is my first post. I’ve been looking at MA’s, and whilst I originally considered Art History, recently I have been contemplating Sotheby’s MA Art Business. My previous studies* have all been art-related and I have freelanced as an artist (specialising in photography and illustration) and writer since graduating, and I’ve also worked as a gallery assistant and artist assistant. I would like to pivot towards a career path with more stability (I know almost every industry is pretty unstable right now) which is why I intend on pursuing a postgraduate which would hopefully lead to a wider range of roles within the art world than the options my previous studies have offered.
However, I also know that The Courtauld have an Art and Business MA which will begin in September 2025 and it is taught in collaboration with King’s Business School.
As it’s new I understand that no one will have experience of The Courtauld’s Art and Business MA yet, but I was wondering if anyone has anything to contribute to how it might compare to the MA Art Business at Sotheby’s? Perhaps a graduate from Sotheby’s or The Courtauld? Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I’m in a good position right now to concentrate on pivoting as I have taken time off for health reasons, I have savings and financial support from family. Because of the time I have, I am also open to any other suggestions, whether that be interning, volunteering, garnering experience in certain areas, other postgraduate diplomas and courses etc
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this 😊
-A Levels in Critical and Contextual Studies (Art History), Photography, Graphic Design, Media
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design,
-BA (Hons) Digital Photography