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University Application offer process

I’m in year 12 and I’m just curious on how you actually get an offer in year 13.

Say if the requirements to get into a university for a degree was A*AA but your predicted grades were AAB, could you still get an offer? Or do you have to be bang on the requirements? Surely they must have a range of what to accept.

And how much of a role do personal statements actually play? I know for 2024 they’ve changed it something else (a different structure if I’m not mistaken) which is slightly annoying.

Anyways I just want to hear people’s experiences and maybe some tips if you’re feeling generous lol
I think in your example it would be unlikely that you would get an offer but not impossible. It really depends on the university and the course and how competitive it is. Universities have no idea who else you have applied to so they need to model how many people will apply, and out of all who they give an offer to, how many will eventually take up the place.
This is a bit of a nightmare for universities who tend to be the backup choice for students who really plan to go to their firm choice. They have a tougher time filling their places and afre more likely to drop the requirement grades on the day, to let people on.
my advice would be to explore where in the country you would like to live, what you want from the course and what your predicted grades are likely to be. Then in the spring/summer, start going to a few open days to get a feel for a place.
you'll need to pick 5 in the end. Make a couple aspirational (a grade or two above predicted) some bang on and then at least one choice that is much lower, just in case. Make sure they are all places you would actually be happy going to.
The usual advice about your 5 UCAS choices is :

1 just above your predicted grades - one grade and not in a vital subject.

3 at your predicted grades - your most likely offers

1 at least one grade below your predicted grades - this would be your Insurance choice

Any Uni asking AAA or above will be very picky about who they make offers to. At some Unis and for some very competitive subjects, even those who have predicted grades at or above the entry requirements may not get an offer. So, applying at two grades below in your example, would be unlikely to get you an offer, but it does depend on subject/Uni.

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