The Student Room Group

nov mocks stress

I have my mocks in less than 12 days and I have been really stressed with keeping up with ALL the content i need to know. i really want to do well in my mocks but im just so drained at the amount of content i need to go through in time for november . does anyone have any tips on how to cope with stress for exams , also do you think i have the capacity to get outstanding results considering i only started revising last week (3 weeks prior)
Reply 1
Original post by m_ezi
I have my mocks in less than 12 days and I have been really stressed with keeping up with ALL the content i need to know. i really want to do well in my mocks but im just so drained at the amount of content i need to go through in time for november . does anyone have any tips on how to cope with stress for exams , also do you think i have the capacity to get outstanding results considering i only started revising last week (3 weeks prior)

You could maybe create a clear schedule for revision before your mocks. Make sure you includes at least and 30 minutes to an hour of break and take your mind of revision for that duration of time so that you would feel less stressed. Btw good luck on your mocks. Hope you do well!!!! yes you do have the capacity to get outstanding results considering you only started revising last week as long as you put in the hard work and effort.
Reply 2
thank you so much!

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