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how do university math students deal with lectures/seminars

I am curious how math students organise their books for lectures and seminars. My problem is that my lecturs and seminars are sometimes taught back to back by the same lecturer, so do most people just use 1 seperate book for lectures and one seperate book for seminars? If that is the case, then that means that i'll need 4 different books for each module (one for lectures, one for seminar sessions, one for homework and one for my own revision/notes) or is it that i should just have my lecturese and tutorials in the same book?

i know that i can just have my lectures starting from the front of the book and my seminar notes at the back of the book, but i'd like to avoid that since that'll confuse me when the content meets in the middle.

I'm also curious how you guys organised your notes at university :smile:
(edited 3 months ago)
I think I just used the same notebook for everything, way back when I was doing maths, and then at the end of the day pulled out the individual pages and put them in binders/folders at home for each module and organised them as I saw fit. It's impractical to carry around a ton of notepads and folders on a day to day basis so easier to keep the "central repository" of your notes at home and just take out individual things as and when you need them.
Original post by muhammad0112
I am curious how math students organise their books for lectures and seminars. My problem is that my lecturs and seminars are sometimes taught back to back by the same lecturer, so do most people just use 1 seperate book for lectures and one seperate book for seminars? If that is the case, then that means that i'll need 4 different books for each module (one for lectures, one for seminar sessions, one for homework and one for my own revision/notes) or is it that i should just have my lecturese and tutorials in the same book?
i know that i can just have my lectures starting from the front of the book and my seminar notes at the back of the book, but i'd like to avoid that since that'll confuse me when the content meets in the middle.
I'm also curious how you guys organised your notes at university :smile:

Hi @muhammad0112,

Note taking can vary from person to person. Some people like to have seperate exercise books while others will buy tablets to write their notes on. What I have found useful is to use loose paper. That way, when I'm done with a lecture or seminar, I can take out the sheet(s) I've been writing on and store it in a divided wallet folder. This keeps the notes for each module seperate and organised.

I hope this helps
3rd year maths student
(edited 3 months ago)

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