The Student Room Group

any uk applicant receive a warwick law llb offer?

Reply 1
Hi there, just got my offer for Law llb at Warwick, best of luck to you!
Original post by unbeliever
Hi there, just got my offer for Law llb at Warwick, best of luck to you!
Congratulations on such a big achievement!! If you don't mind me asking, are you contextual and/or international? I am still waiting to hear from Warwick and am trying to figure out when I might as they suggested people might not hear until January or later 🙂
(edited 2 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by lawofducks123
Congratulations on such a big achievement!! If you don't mind me asking, are you contextual and/or international? I am still waiting to hear from Warwick and am trying to figure out when I might as they suggested people might not hear until January or later 🙂

Hi, I'm a UK student and I'm not contextual, my predicted grades were A*A*A*. My guess is most decisions will be in January, it seems like that's how it was in previous years.
Original post by unbeliever
Hi, I'm a UK student and I'm not contextual, my predicted grades were A*A*A*. My guess is most decisions will be in January, it seems like that's how it was in previous years.
Thank you so much!! I'm the same (same predicteds and not contextual or international) so maybe (🙏🤞) I'll hear back soon too! Either way, it's really impressive to hear back so early so well done!
Reply 5
Hi! I received an offer for law with study abroad in English on Monday.
Reply 6
Original post by unbeliever
Hi there, just got my offer for Law llb at Warwick, best of luck to you!

Congrats, when did you submit your application?
Reply 7
Original post by unbeliever
Hi, I'm a UK student and I'm not contextual, my predicted grades were A*A*A*. My guess is most decisions will be in January, it seems like that's how it was in previous years.

hey congrats! when did you apply?
I have received an offer now and my application was sent off at the beginning of October!!
Reply 9
Original post by lawofducks123
I have received an offer now and my application was sent off at the beginning of October!!

Oh wow, What were your predicted grades!!

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