Do I need to add limitations if I am writing about any explanations such as explanations of conformity or obedience??
Normative social influence is when a person conforms in order to be accepted and belong to a group. They do this because it is socially rewarding and/or to avoid social rejection. A strength of NSI is that it is supported by research, which demonstrates its validity. Asch(1951) conducted an experiment where he asked participants to pick the line closest to the original line from the three comparison lines. The naive participant sat second to last to hear the answer of the confederates first. Publicly the naive participants agreed with the confederates(majority) and gave the same wrong answer (31.8%) but when the naive participants were interviewed privately they gave the answer they thought was correct and not what the confederates thought so the naive participant complied. This demonstrates that people conform to NSI so they don't stand out and be ridiculed by other people and provides empirical support for NSI.
Informational social influence is where a person conforms in order to be correct or to be seen as knowledgeable. This occurs in ambiguous situations where they view the others as a reliable source of information. ISI often leads to internalisation, where the conforming person accepts the group's perspective as their own. The strength of ISI is that it has been supported by research. Lucas(2006) asked students to publicly share answers to a set of maths questions of varying difficulty. There was more conformity when the task difficulty increased compared to the more simple questions. This proves that the students internalise their responses as correct because of the guidance from the others. This demonstrates that people conform by ISI to be correct and therefore is a reliable explanation of conformity.