The Student Room Group

Just have a query about Bristol and supposed drug related crime. I have heard that there is a large amount of drug related crime especially near Stoke Bishop Halls. I have only heard this as a kinda rumour, and wondered if anyone in any of the Stoke Halls has heard, been affected, or whether it's just a load of twaddle!

Thanks for any adivce and stuff!

My sis lives in Stoke Bishop halls but says she's totally unaware of this rumour or there being any truth in it. Her hall had 1 break in this year (nothing stolen tho) and that's it - I don't know if that's what you mean by 'drug related crime' though, maybe you could elaborate? I get the impression Stoke Bishop is a pretty safe area (out of the main city centre, green and pleasant) and uni security is good (they have security staff on random patrols all night). So I don't think you need to be worried :smile:
Reply 2
No need to be very worried, but do be cautious.
Do not walk back from town to Stoke Bishop halls at night by yourself or even in small groups.
Bristol is a big city, There are drug problems. But not in stoke bishop really. The drug scenee never really affects students. I wouldnt consider it anything to worry about
Reply 4

Just have a query about Bristol and supposed drug related crime. I have heard that there is a large amount of drug related crime especially near Stoke Bishop Halls. I have only heard this as a kinda rumour, and wondered if anyone in any of the Stoke Halls has heard, been affected, or whether it's just a load of twaddle!

Thanks for any adivce and stuff!

haha! stoke bishop is one of the poshest and most quiet places in bristol with average house prices of £800K. unless it's changed that much since i was there last year i think someone has been pulling your leg :wink:
Reply 5
Don't know if its really drug related but i got into a fight with a couple of chavs on the downs just before crimbo. The downs can be proper dodg at night but this isnt a problem if you get a taxi back after the clubs. And its unsurprising consideing its an empty, unlit area with a few scattered benches.

As for drug crime, its out of the way really - St Pauls and other scummy areas you generally wont ever go to.

I wouldnt let it put you off. Bristol's a great city and you do actually feel pretty safe in the centre at night; there's heavy police prescence, esp. on fri.