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Resources for Eduqas A level Sociology

just wondering where i can find resources for sociology ty
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hi! i do eduqas for sociology too :smile:

i highly recommend study rocket, it’s a totally free website that basically has a detailed bullet pointed summary of all topics - i only use it for 2 topics though (basics and social stratification)

what optional topic do you do for component one? i do youth cultures and my teacher just handed us out a booklet that’s a photocopy of the chapter in some sort of textbook n we haven’t been told what one it is, but if you do family you can just use the red aqa textbook it’s basically the same thing. we use that textbook for education, i also sometimes use chatgpt to find additional sociologists to evaluate theories or to find statistics easily. for component 2 (research methods) we also use the aqa textbook

for component 3, im sorry but you’re absolutely effed when it comes to social stratification. like actually. my class hardly understands anything because our resources are photocopies from not one, not two but THREE different textbooks so i’d say just ask your teacher about resources for that. studyrocket does come in clutch here with learning social stratification on a simple level but it unfortunately doesn’t have any sociologists ☹️ and lastly, for crime and deviance we use the blue aqa textbook !
oh also if you’re a video type of person i totally forgot one of my friends recommended me the tutor2u youtube channel, they only cover aqa sociology though so that’d just be useful for family, education, research methods and crime and deviance

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