The Student Room Group

Hellogrenaf's GYG - Year 13 (Humanities/Social Sciences)

I'm going to try to use this to hold me accountable for studying and actually getting my grades up. I'm in Year 13, studying A-level's English Literature (AQA), Philosophy (AQA) and Politics (Edexcel). As well as an achieved EPQ grade A. My UCAS predicted grades are A*AA, although my A* is very aspirational, according to my teachers. I have applied to Oxford, UCL, Birmingham, Nottingham and Reading - with offers from the last three. I'm currently working at a lower A, in all my subjects which I don't think is representative of my ability, so I'm going to keep working on it considering that I have 198 days (as of today) until my first exam.

So we'll see what can be done!

It's been a bit of a harder day because my puppy had to be put to sleep this morning so don't have too much effort to study, so I'm just going to do a few short answer AO1 Philosophy questions and work on my NEA a little. Hopefully, about an hour of work, as I'm already getting my "it's time to study" headache.
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27.10.2024 Update:
The headache didn't get much better so I'm stopping. I did three practice questions and four paragraphs on my poetry NEA.
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I spent all day at a work experience event today and got home quite late and succame to a nap (clearly an academic weapon in the making). I'm going to clean my room now so that I'm ready to get to focus tomorrow.
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3 hours done on my NEAs.

My teachers have set homework yesterday which is annoying but I'll have to do that at some point this week. I'm going to prioritise my NEAs as they're due on Monday. So in order to be realistic, my goals for this week are to get my NEAs to a submittable standard and finish my homework, which is very subpar. I really need to lock in but really struggling atm. Will need to talk to my teachers about study techniques and habits ASAP.

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