Hi, I'm currently doing a foundation year in English but I'm not enjoying the course and I can't imagine myself studying it for 3 more years even though the course changes a bit in the first year of the degree I have read about it and I know I won't enjoy the modules and the course as a whole.
I have told the university that I want to transfer to the University Of Sheffield after completing my foundation year I told them that If I were to get rejected I would transfer courses at my current university but after doing a lot of research and looking through the courses I didn't find any options so I decided to just remain at my current course If I were to get rejected.
I have already started my UCAS application because I contacted the University Of Sheffield and they said I could give it a try. But will my foundation year really change anything? The entry requirements are pretty high and my A level grades are really bad I have achieved CDE and I've failed my maths gcse.
Please don't tell me to resit not only is it too late(I'm 20 yrs old) but It will completely destroy me. I'm just completely lost I don't know what to do if I were to get rejected.
Also I won't lose my place at my current university because I have an unconditional offer.
I really wanted to do a joint degree English with law or psychology or creative writing but it's too late and I've already given up on the idea.