Hi, I'm a first year bachelor student studying Chemistry at Cardiff.
Recently I've been exploring various career prospects of chemistry and found that Chemical Engineering offers a very promising career and such that I'm thinking to pursue Chemical Engineering after my BSc in Chemistry at Cardiff.
I'm aware that some of the Universities (UCL, Birmingham, Southampton) allow students with chemistry backgrounds enter to their MSc Chemical Engineering course given they have achieved certain requirements such as a high 2:1 honour or having studied a relevant taught Masters in related disciplines.
However I was confused about how the sheer gap between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering would be bridged for such approach within such short period of time. To my understanding, Chemical Engineering is far more Physical and Mathematical than it is Chemical, topics including Transport Phenomena, Fluid Dynamics, Engineering Mathematics etc are generally not covered at all in a BSc Chemistry course.
I haven't touched on Physics since GCSEs and Maths since A levels but I'm more than happy to revisit these subject and tackle them methodically.
Any valuable insights will be very much appreciated.