Hi all! I am really interested in the real estate development and planning degree at reading uni but I have a few questions I need answering:
- firstly which campus is the course held in? I got very confused it said Henley business school but isn’t that at all the campuses?
- Is it a wishy washy degree, I have been taking about it and people keep telling me it’s a fluffy degree and I won’t get anywhere financially and probably end up a barista, is this true? I’d really like to run my own property development company (and other jobs in the real estate and planning area) but financial stability and comfort is very important so is there no money in the careers after this degree is it just the one off lucky person?
- I don’t have any links in the industry, does this effect my application?
- Is it possible to make a lot of money after this degree? This is something I want for my future family and I and is very important but am worried that this degree will not get me there?
Thanks in advance!!!