In the interest of keeping your options open in case you change your mind about classics.
A-level Politics is not a requirement for a Politics degrees, so if you don’t take it, you can always study it at university if you change your mind.
A-level Classics is also not a requirement to do a Classics degree. Usually, they prefer if you’ve taken one of history, classics or ancient history, and (if we are taking Oxbridge) require Latin instead, which you are taking.
However, say if you changed your mind and wanted to do a history degree at university, you would need A-level history to do it and, as far am I’m aware, would not be allowed to do it even if you were doing classics or ancient history, you NEED A-level history for basically all history degrees.
While A-level Psychology might be an odd combo to some, I think it could actually be very useful and show universities you have a wide range of interests, skills, and a different perspective when studying classics.
Plus, currently I’m studying bio,chem,history and English, and I can confidently say that the STEM subjects provide a break from essay subjects and vice versa. However, I would like to add that psychology still contains essays, just less of them.
So, I think you have three options here:
English lit, Latin and Classics if you are dead set on doing classics at university.
English lit, Latin and History if you want to keep your options open to other history degrees if you change your mind. (But this combo is still 100% fine for classics)
English lit, Latin, psychology if you want something a little bit different from the humanities, but I’d say if Oxbridge is your goal, both say a subject like classical civilisations or history would be helpful, so having one of them might be a better choice. :
Hope this helps!