Personally, I've done really fine so far with little to no revision at all.
I think the biggest thing for me would be to not worry so much about missing out on parties and general FOMO. I came to college from an all girls grammar school where I had pretty much no social life and was determined to change this at college. I succeeded, but unfortunately became obsessed with not missing out on anything and became a slave to following trends and lost a lot of my individuality.
I'm in year 13 now and feel like myself again, I've got my first real boyfriend, a good support network of real friends and I've even somehow managed to apply to oxford, something I never would have dreamt of if I stayed at my old school.
So, to my younger self; Don't worry, everything always works out and tomorrow will be kinder. Don't lose your passions, and don't get random piercings just because your mate did too. Goodluck.