The Student Room Group

Top unis 4-alevels

Do you get lowered requirements for top unis like Oxbridge if u take 4 alevels?

If the requirements are AAA, the requirements are AAA. Not AABB.

After A Level, your degree is all that matters (minus experience) and so, I don’t even put my A Levels on my job applications anymore…
(edited 1 month ago)
No University requires 4 A levels. Some 'top' Unis, for some subjects (typically STEM and where you are taking FM), may make what they call alternative offers - a 3 A level offer plus a 4 A level offer ("AAA including .... OR AABB including ...." etc), and you are only required to meet one of the grade sets - but they will not prefer 4 A levels, because the majority of applicants will only be taking 3.
Reply 3
Tbf one of my 4 is FM

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