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year 11 struggling, need advice asap

for context theres a few times where ive missed out on school, ive missed almost the entirety of year 8 because of parental issues. i recently missed out on half of year 10 due to business plans ive started attending school just 3 weeks before the summer holiday and now im in year 11. considering how much ive missed school a few times my grades continued to drop due to the absence of school and my mental health. in about 3 days or so i have my gcse mocks and ive been trying to revise what i did learn in the remaining year 10 i attended. the current school i am in doesnt have teachers that are great at teaching so its been hard to catch up with the current class. for my gcse options i picked art, business and history. considering those options, art and history, the topics have changed for me by a lot. you could say that im starting all over again. at the worst time possible.

before i moved halfway in year 10 my gcse grade was predicted to be around 6 for most of my subjects but right now i dont know if that would be the case. school and just everything has been stressing me out and i just had a moment where i really realised that my time is very limited. i am sometimes the type of person to leave things the last minute, i hate to admit but its true. i always find it hard to start something and continue it for a long time. starting anything has been difficult for me and i get stressed very easily. there are so many issues in my life i just cant keep it together. im falling behind on so much work including art. i may or may not want to persue in art but i atleast want to get a good grade for art. im considered very talented at art and i think im pretty alright at art. my art teacher said that i have a potential in getting a grade 8 or above with the skill i have but quantity is what matters in art which is an issue for me. i mostly have no time to draw because of the catching up i need to do for pretty much all of my subjects and i also never have motivation to do art. art has been very stressful to me. for history, ive never been good at it but my parents wanted me to take it. i think it was guaranteed im going to fail for history so i dont think massively about history. my main priorities are the core subjects, english, maths, science, religious and citizenship, along with business perhaps and art being last.

if im really feeling it then i can push myself to catch up but just thinking about it makes my chest heavy and i start stressing already. i feel like this is the lowest ive been but thinking about it from another perspective i look pathetic and selfish so ive been staying silent. my mental health isnt at a very good state but i understand thats how life is and we all had to push ourselves at some point in life. thats why im looking for advice. ill have to endure this pain for a while longer but whatever gets the work done, ill be relieved at the very least. studying tips will be very useful but currently im still catching up on the class work so its all independant work which im not that great at. idk what im woffling about but im just so fixated about the future, sometimes its all i worry about that my heart is always racing. i also need tips to be organised and be motivated for sure. to be honest i feel like i have no purpose in life but i dont think anybody wants to be out on the streets so i still have to find a way to stay finacially stable but i just dont have anything that is really giving me a reason to live. i just need something to motivate me.
(edited 2 months ago)

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Original post by yukiieun
for context theres a few times where ive missed out on school, ive missed almost the entirety of year 8 because of parental issues. i recently missed out on half of year 10 due to business plans ive started attending school just 3 weeks before the summer holiday and now im in year 11. considering how much ive missed school a few times my grades continued to drop due to the absence of school and my mental health. in about 3 days or so i have my gcse mocks and ive been trying to revise what i did learn in the remaining year 10 i attended. the current school i am in doesnt have teachers that are great at teaching so its been hard to catch up with the current class. for my gcse options i picked art, business and history. considering those options, art and history, the topics have changed for me by a lot. you could say that im starting all over again. at the worst time possible.
before i moved halfway in year 10 my gcse grade was predicted to be around 6 for most of my subjects but right now i dont know if that would be the case. school and just everything has been stressing me out and i just had a moment where i really realised that my time is very limited. i am sometimes the type of person to leave things the last minute, i hate to admit but its true. i always find it hard to start something and continue it for a long time. starting anything has been difficult for me and i get stressed very easily. there are so many issues in my life i just cant keep it together. im falling behind on so much work including art. i may or may not want to persue in art but i atleast want to get a good grade for art. im considered very talented at art and i think im pretty alright at art. my art teacher said that i have a potential in getting a grade 8 or above with the skill i have but quantity is what matters in art which is an issue for me. i mostly have no time to draw because of the catching up i need to do for pretty much all of my subjects and i also never have motivation to do art. art has been very stressful to me. for history, ive never been good at it but my parents wanted me to take it. i think it was guaranteed im going to fail for history so i dont think massively about history. my main priorities are the core subjects, english, maths, science, religious and citizenship, along with business perhaps and art being last.
if im really feeling it then i can push myself to catch up but just thinking about it makes my chest heavy and i start stressing already. i feel like this is the lowest ive been but thinking about it from another perspective i look pathetic and selfish so ive been staying silent. my mental health isnt at a very good state but i understand thats how life is and we all had to push ourselves at some point in life. thats why im looking for advice. ill have to endure this pain for a while longer but whatever gets the work done, ill be relieved at the very least. studying tips will be very useful but currently im still catching up on the class work so its all independant work which im not that great at. idk what im woffling about but im just so fixated about the future, sometimes its all i worry about that my heart is always racing. i also need tips to be organised and be motivated for sure. to be honest i feel like i have no purpose in life but i dont think anybody wants to be out on the streets so i still have to find a way to stay finacially stable but i just dont have anything that is really giving me a reason to live. if i could at any point i feel like i wouldnt mind if my life was taken away, besides the point. i just need something to motivate me.

Woah, sorry to hear you're going through unfortunate circumstances. Hopefully, your situation gets better.
As for tips I can provide for you to help with your organisation:

Find out when your mocks are and do the relevant revision necessary for your subject - For Sciences, see what topics you have covered, make some notes on it and then go to PMT to do practice questions on the topics that are coming up e.g., for Physics, you may have covered electricity, which includes topics relating to current, power and voltage for example. Find videos explaining those topics and then maybe go and do a quizlet before doing past paper questions. Have you tried using flashcards and do they help at all.

Find out what are your strongest and weakest subjects - you mentioned you aren't doing so well in History, so go and ask your teacher about what can you do to improve your grade and do revision based on your weakest areas in History. Then again, you did say your parents wanted you to take it, so try to get a good grade out of it, even if it's a grade 4/5.

Don't stress out too much for your mocks and your situation - I know your situation is bad and you may not have much time, but you can pretty much improve quite fast if you are consistent. Try to get rid of your habit of leaving everything to the last minute as that won't benefit you at all and come up with a different approach to work. I've seen some cases where people have improved drastically from getting awful predicted grades to getting better grades than before.

It's never too late to change things - it may not seem like it now, but things can drastically change, and sometimes for the better.

In short, don't give up on trying to do the very best you can. It's never too late to start over and better yourself, which I am a good example of when I was doing GCSE's years ago. I used to be on a grade 4/5 level on DT in year 10 and then during year 11, I slowly got better and eventually got a high grade 8 in GCSE DT.

Sorry for the long writing, hope this can give you some help as to what to do.

Hey i understood exactly how you’re feeling and where you’re coming from- i’ve been there.
I would do your best in your mocks - if you’re unable to effectively revise every single thing that’s okay- your mental health comes first.

looking at the bigger picture, gcses aren’t gonna be the be all and end all. obviously school is non negotiable so it might be that you need to repeat a year in order to give yourself enough time to focus on yourself and get back on track.

I would do your best in your mocks and then take a step back and look at all of your options

1. keep going if you feel fairly happy with your mocks and catching up is manageable
2. dropping a subject - maybe history? it doesn’t sound like you would do this for a level and it is a subject that you arguably ‘don’t need’. Your school may have a rule that you have to do a humanity or something but trust me they would rather you do 1 less gcse and have better mental health than to see you and your grades struggle with that extra gcse
3. repeating a year- idk how feasible this is for you
4. almost ‘accepting your fate’ in 1 or 2 subjects that don’t matter as much , this could be the difference between you getting all 3s/4s, or maybe 2 fails but the rest 6s/7s

If you can i would share your concerns with any parent/guardian if they will be caring abt it, if not there might be someone at school you can talk to?
Also for art, i would try and hone your writing skills, this can be an easier fix than producing masses of work.

Quantity is important in art but not as important as people think. I was told throughout gcse my technical ability could get me a grade 9 (and i’ve recently been told A* at a level), i could never move my grade above a 6 and when i tried to remedy this by producing loads of work ( i had about 4 sketchbooks and many out of book pieces), my grade went up 2 marks to a 7.

i was really upset at my art grade because i didn’t understand what more they wanted from me (and tbh i still don’t know now) but i would look at my friends books and spoke to the teacher and they said my issue was the writing- i didn’t annotate thoroughly enough or document all of my ideas( i have adhd and was unmedicated so i had abt 50 ideas a second and jumped around a lot and never showed that in my book as it was all in my head and my mind moved too fast for me to write down)

What im saying is maybe talk to any friends that do art or sit down with your teacher and work out your next steps

I was really behind before gcses as i really struggled with revision and procrastination aswell.

I wrote lists for each subject of what i needed to achieve so it meant that rather than seeing everything i had to do and immediately get overwhelmed it meant that when i sat down to do revision i had somewhere to start. I would write these lists down on paper and stick it on the wall above my desk

But i would only stick the list of the subject you are revising on the wall and keep the others in a drawer or something and swap them out otherwise that can get overwhelming aswell if your looking at 8 mega lists.

But yeah then just make the lists rly detailed so you can tick something off every 15 minutes or so and feel like you’re getting somewhere

this also helped with my procrastination as i could see exactly how much i had to get done in the time period and it kinda worked as a scare tactic icl

good luck with your mocks and your gcses im sure you will smash them!!

(i was doing the lists during the easter holidays so dw ur already ahead of me!!)
Reply 4
Original post by elaborate-postgr
Also for art, i would try and hone your writing skills, this can be an easier fix than producing masses of work.
Quantity is important in art but not as important as people think. I was told throughout gcse my technical ability could get me a grade 9 (and i’ve recently been told A* at a level), i could never move my grade above a 6 and when i tried to remedy this by producing loads of work ( i had about 4 sketchbooks and many out of book pieces), my grade went up 2 marks to a 7.
i was really upset at my art grade because i didn’t understand what more they wanted from me (and tbh i still don’t know now) but i would look at my friends books and spoke to the teacher and they said my issue was the writing- i didn’t annotate thoroughly enough or document all of my ideas( i have adhd and was unmedicated so i had abt 50 ideas a second and jumped around a lot and never showed that in my book as it was all in my head and my mind moved too fast for me to write down)
What im saying is maybe talk to any friends that do art or sit down with your teacher and work out your next steps
I was really behind before gcses as i really struggled with revision and procrastination aswell.
I wrote lists for each subject of what i needed to achieve so it meant that rather than seeing everything i had to do and immediately get overwhelmed it meant that when i sat down to do revision i had somewhere to start. I would write these lists down on paper and stick it on the wall above my desk
But i would only stick the list of the subject you are revising on the wall and keep the others in a drawer or something and swap them out otherwise that can get overwhelming aswell if your looking at 8 mega lists.
But yeah then just make the lists rly detailed so you can tick something off every 15 minutes or so and feel like you’re getting somewhere
this also helped with my procrastination as i could see exactly how much i had to get done in the time period and it kinda worked as a scare tactic icl
good luck with your mocks and your gcses im sure you will smash them!!
(i was doing the lists during the easter holidays so dw ur already ahead of me!!)

thank you for advice on listing them now i think about it i think that would make things more approachable and achieveable

i dont have any friends in this current school im in, they just dont fit into my catagory in a sense. the teacher has talked to me about my sketchbook and infact im very far behind, as in im still on the first few pages whilst everyone in my class is almost finishing theirs. i just dont get what the teacher wants from me either and its been making me go all over the place. to be frank i just dont have the ideas to produce what the teacher wants from me too, i think thats why ive been falling behind so much. also the teacher gives me unclear intructions its like the teacher is making us do whatever we want and i cant cope with that. i need exact intructions on what i need to do or else i sit there clueless and empty minded. this most likely cant be helped so ive just accepted that fact and just put out whatever i can think of even though i dont really like the outcome of it.

ill definitely try out the listing method though i have so much things to be done but its somewhere i can start.

i dont know about talking to anyone but i feel like at some point ill have to tell someone because im barely coping

thank you
Reply 5
Original post by Nick Rantlantis
Woah, sorry to hear you're going through unfortunate circumstances. Hopefully, your situation gets better.
As for tips I can provide for you to help with your organisation:

Find out when your mocks are and do the relevant revision necessary for your subject - For Sciences, see what topics you have covered, make some notes on it and then go to PMT to do practice questions on the topics that are coming up e.g., for Physics, you may have covered electricity, which includes topics relating to current, power and voltage for example. Find videos explaining those topics and then maybe go and do a quizlet before doing past paper questions. Have you tried using flashcards and do they help at all.

Find out what are your strongest and weakest subjects - you mentioned you aren't doing so well in History, so go and ask your teacher about what can you do to improve your grade and do revision based on your weakest areas in History. Then again, you did say your parents wanted you to take it, so try to get a good grade out of it, even if it's a grade 4/5.

Don't stress out too much for your mocks and your situation - I know your situation is bad and you may not have much time, but you can pretty much improve quite fast if you are consistent. Try to get rid of your habit of leaving everything to the last minute as that won't benefit you at all and come up with a different approach to work. I've seen some cases where people have improved drastically from getting awful predicted grades to getting better grades than before.

It's never too late to change things - it may not seem like it now, but things can drastically change, and sometimes for the better.
In short, don't give up on trying to do the very best you can. It's never too late to start over and better yourself, which I am a good example of when I was doing GCSE's years ago. I used to be on a grade 4/5 level on DT in year 10 and then during year 11, I slowly got better and eventually got a high grade 8 in GCSE DT.
Sorry for the long writing, hope this can give you some help as to what to do.

my mocks start tomorrow and the most ive done is look through text books and the topics that will be covered in most subjects. im not very experienced with revision, maybe thats why i find it hard to revise but i have to push through it. i dont exactly know why but i just cant get myself to start on anything whether itd be reading a book or idk just anything that will take a long period of time. fixing the habit of leaving stuff to the last minute has been a struggle. it was fixed whilst i was in a decent school where i had my life together in a sense before i missed out half of year10. now im scattered everywhere and its just a mess.

i dont quite have the motivation, maybe im just lazy and just wants to do my own thing but i really do want to push myself and do what needs to be done. thank you for the tips, i may not know what to do but its better to start off somewhere.

missing out on half of year 10 has been a big change for me, theres no progress for me to look back into which is the problem. idk, i just really want to do good, hearing your experience has sort of reassured me. thank you.

i really want to do my best but im just in a horrible state right now, pushing myself now is getting harder, i feel like my life serves no purpose but its better to do something about it. it is what it is.

thank you for your help, i feel like maybe i know where to start.
Reply 6
Original post by elaborate-postgr
Also for art, i would try and hone your writing skills, this can be an easier fix than producing masses of work.
Quantity is important in art but not as important as people think. I was told throughout gcse my technical ability could get me a grade 9 (and i’ve recently been told A* at a level), i could never move my grade above a 6 and when i tried to remedy this by producing loads of work ( i had about 4 sketchbooks and many out of book pieces), my grade went up 2 marks to a 7.
i was really upset at my art grade because i didn’t understand what more they wanted from me (and tbh i still don’t know now) but i would look at my friends books and spoke to the teacher and they said my issue was the writing- i didn’t annotate thoroughly enough or document all of my ideas( i have adhd and was unmedicated so i had abt 50 ideas a second and jumped around a lot and never showed that in my book as it was all in my head and my mind moved too fast for me to write down)
What im saying is maybe talk to any friends that do art or sit down with your teacher and work out your next steps
I was really behind before gcses as i really struggled with revision and procrastination aswell.
I wrote lists for each subject of what i needed to achieve so it meant that rather than seeing everything i had to do and immediately get overwhelmed it meant that when i sat down to do revision i had somewhere to start. I would write these lists down on paper and stick it on the wall above my desk
But i would only stick the list of the subject you are revising on the wall and keep the others in a drawer or something and swap them out otherwise that can get overwhelming aswell if your looking at 8 mega lists.
But yeah then just make the lists rly detailed so you can tick something off every 15 minutes or so and feel like you’re getting somewhere
this also helped with my procrastination as i could see exactly how much i had to get done in the time period and it kinda worked as a scare tactic icl
good luck with your mocks and your gcses im sure you will smash them!!
(i was doing the lists during the easter holidays so dw ur already ahead of me!!)

also i forgot to mention, the teacher wants us to do a specific amount of work done so i cant avoid the issue of falling behind on that. ive done a few artworks but the teacher expected 3 times more than what ive produced. drawing large amounts of work is a new experience for me so it feels like ive been dumped with a whole box that needs to be dealt with. i also need to complete my first final piece for the upcoming autumn mock. im completely clueless as to what the teacher wants from me, are art teachers always this unclear? maybe its just how gcse art is.

i want to atleast get a grade 8 considering how people have said my skills could get me a grade 8 or above even. for me idk anymore, maybe id be fine if i even got a high 6 atleast. sorry my mind has just been so blank its been hard for me to think, this is probably one of the reasons why im falling behind on art.

thank you again
Original post by yukiieun
also i forgot to mention, the teacher wants us to do a specific amount of work done so i cant avoid the issue of falling behind on that. ive done a few artworks but the teacher expected 3 times more than what ive produced. drawing large amounts of work is a new experience for me so it feels like ive been dumped with a whole box that needs to be dealt with. i also need to complete my first final piece for the upcoming autumn mock. im completely clueless as to what the teacher wants from me, are art teachers always this unclear? maybe its just how gcse art is.
i want to atleast get a grade 8 considering how people have said my skills could get me a grade 8 or above even. for me idk anymore, maybe id be fine if i even got a high 6 atleast. sorry my mind has just been so blank its been hard for me to think, this is probably one of the reasons why im falling behind on art.
thank you again

Hey first off please don’t worry, i promise you’re not alone!

I’m feeling exactly like this about art right now and i’m in year 13 - just been diagnosed with glandular fever and adhd and struggling with my own mental health aswell so started seeing a councillor and im trying to work out how not to fall behind with missing school.

when speaking to my councillor about how art is really stressing me at the moment due to not being able to pin down any ideas and have no idea what direction im going in and really struggling with a lack of input and direction from the teachers(exactly how you’re feeling) - the councillor said she would talk to my art teacher and ask if i could have one 1 to 1 session a week and asked for the teacher to tell me what route to go down and exactly what to do next to help me come up with an action plan for art which i think will help me a lot but this hasn’t started yet so i will let you know how that goes
Reply 8
Original post by yukiieun
for context theres a few times where ive missed out on school, ive missed almost the entirety of year 8 because of parental issues. i recently missed out on half of year 10 due to business plans ive started attending school just 3 weeks before the summer holiday and now im in year 11. considering how much ive missed school a few times my grades continued to drop due to the absence of school and my mental health. in about 3 days or so i have my gcse mocks and ive been trying to revise what i did learn in the remaining year 10 i attended. the current school i am in doesnt have teachers that are great at teaching so its been hard to catch up with the current class. for my gcse options i picked art, business and history. considering those options, art and history, the topics have changed for me by a lot. you could say that im starting all over again. at the worst time possible.
before i moved halfway in year 10 my gcse grade was predicted to be around 6 for most of my subjects but right now i dont know if that would be the case. school and just everything has been stressing me out and i just had a moment where i really realised that my time is very limited. i am sometimes the type of person to leave things the last minute, i hate to admit but its true. i always find it hard to start something and continue it for a long time. starting anything has been difficult for me and i get stressed very easily. there are so many issues in my life i just cant keep it together. im falling behind on so much work including art. i may or may not want to persue in art but i atleast want to get a good grade for art. im considered very talented at art and i think im pretty alright at art. my art teacher said that i have a potential in getting a grade 8 or above with the skill i have but quantity is what matters in art which is an issue for me. i mostly have no time to draw because of the catching up i need to do for pretty much all of my subjects and i also never have motivation to do art. art has been very stressful to me. for history, ive never been good at it but my parents wanted me to take it. i think it was guaranteed im going to fail for history so i dont think massively about history. my main priorities are the core subjects, english, maths, science, religious and citizenship, along with business perhaps and art being last.
if im really feeling it then i can push myself to catch up but just thinking about it makes my chest heavy and i start stressing already. i feel like this is the lowest ive been but thinking about it from another perspective i look pathetic and selfish so ive been staying silent. my mental health isnt at a very good state but i understand thats how life is and we all had to push ourselves at some point in life. thats why im looking for advice. ill have to endure this pain for a while longer but whatever gets the work done, ill be relieved at the very least. studying tips will be very useful but currently im still catching up on the class work so its all independant work which im not that great at. idk what im woffling about but im just so fixated about the future, sometimes its all i worry about that my heart is always racing. i also need tips to be organised and be motivated for sure. to be honest i feel like i have no purpose in life but i dont think anybody wants to be out on the streets so i still have to find a way to stay finacially stable but i just dont have anything that is really giving me a reason to live. if i could at any point i feel like i wouldnt mind if my life was taken away, besides the point. i just need something to motivate me.

Didn't the school suggest starting Year 10 again?
Reply 9
Original post by Muttley79
Didn't the school suggest starting Year 10 again?

apparently not, my parents did talk about it but they didnt want me repeating a year
Original post by yukiieun
apparently not, my parents did talk about it but they didnt want me repeating a year

I think it would have helped - it does happen when peole have missed a lot. Do your parents know how difficult it is to get good grades when you've missed so much?
Reply 11
Original post by Muttley79
I think it would have helped - it does happen when peole have missed a lot. Do your parents know how difficult it is to get good grades when you've missed so much?

my parents think i can get good grades if i work hard enough but they havent really done anything to make up for the work ive missed
(edited 3 months ago)
Original post by yukiieun
my parents think i can get good grades if i work hard enough but they havent really done anything to make up for the work ive missed

Do you know what topics you've missed? I'm sure we can point you at good resources - most schools also do revision classes for Year 11s .
Reply 13
Original post by yukiieun
for context theres a few times where ive missed out on school, ive missed almost the entirety of year 8 because of parental issues. i recently missed out on half of year 10 due to business plans ive started attending school just 3 weeks before the summer holiday and now im in year 11. considering how much ive missed school a few times my grades continued to drop due to the absence of school and my mental health. in about 3 days or so i have my gcse mocks and ive been trying to revise what i did learn in the remaining year 10 i attended. the current school i am in doesnt have teachers that are great at teaching so its been hard to catch up with the current class. for my gcse options i picked art, business and history. considering those options, art and history, the topics have changed for me by a lot. you could say that im starting all over again. at the worst time possible.
before i moved halfway in year 10 my gcse grade was predicted to be around 6 for most of my subjects but right now i dont know if that would be the case. school and just everything has been stressing me out and i just had a moment where i really realised that my time is very limited. i am sometimes the type of person to leave things the last minute, i hate to admit but its true. i always find it hard to start something and continue it for a long time. starting anything has been difficult for me and i get stressed very easily. there are so many issues in my life i just cant keep it together. im falling behind on so much work including art. i may or may not want to persue in art but i atleast want to get a good grade for art. im considered very talented at art and i think im pretty alright at art. my art teacher said that i have a potential in getting a grade 8 or above with the skill i have but quantity is what matters in art which is an issue for me. i mostly have no time to draw because of the catching up i need to do for pretty much all of my subjects and i also never have motivation to do art. art has been very stressful to me. for history, ive never been good at it but my parents wanted me to take it. i think it was guaranteed im going to fail for history so i dont think massively about history. my main priorities are the core subjects, english, maths, science, religious and citizenship, along with business perhaps and art being last.
if im really feeling it then i can push myself to catch up but just thinking about it makes my chest heavy and i start stressing already. i feel like this is the lowest ive been but thinking about it from another perspective i look pathetic and selfish so ive been staying silent. my mental health isnt at a very good state but i understand thats how life is and we all had to push ourselves at some point in life. thats why im looking for advice. ill have to endure this pain for a while longer but whatever gets the work done, ill be relieved at the very least. studying tips will be very useful but currently im still catching up on the class work so its all independant work which im not that great at. idk what im woffling about but im just so fixated about the future, sometimes its all i worry about that my heart is always racing. i also need tips to be organised and be motivated for sure. to be honest i feel like i have no purpose in life but i dont think anybody wants to be out on the streets so i still have to find a way to stay finacially stable but i just dont have anything that is really giving me a reason to live. if i could at any point i feel like i wouldnt mind if my life was taken away, besides the point. i just need something to motivate me.

Hi. I'm in year 11 too.
I've also been moved around a lot since year 8, and I wasn't at school for basically a year. I moved schools 2 or 3 times and each time i moved my grades just kept dropping. I went from a grade average of like 8 to 4- really fast.
At the end of year 10 I moved cities and had to drop a GCSE in my current school because of how far behind I'd fallen.
It sounds pretty similar to ur situation cus i've got no motivation to work nowaday. I'm right in the middle of mocks and I'm really stressed out too cus I'm trying to apply to a sixth form with these grades.
I think rn I'm just abt getting the bottom of the requirements and I rlly want to be able to do well like i thought i was going to before all this messed up stuff moving schools happened.
Reading ur post, i get how u feel cus i feel that way as well about my life rn.
it feels like im just going thru the motions cus i have to
I have like a whole book i haven't studied for english and in science my knowledge is so patchy and i can't really tell how well i did in the mocks.
im behind everyone and it's always makes me so mad at school because i have so much stuff to catch up on but it just seems like too much to ever be able to do before the gcses start.
But yeah. idk what im getting at here but our situations basically sound the same so if u wanna talk abt it more i'm here, cus i rlly understand exactly how u feel.
not many ppl move schools close to gcses and moving schools and missing lots of school kinda neglects school life a lot and u end up getting lonely and stuff
so yeah, just lmk if u wanna talk abt it cus i genuinely thought like who has such a weird school life where they move around and miss this much school except me.
Its rlly unfortunate but i rlly know how u feel abt this
Reply 14
So sorry for the late reply i completely forgot about this
The subjects im atleast alright are english and art since ive covered what my current school is working on
however for the rest ive missed atleast more than half of the total topics and for history its a mess because its a brand new topic for me (early elizabethan england + weimar and nazi germany) but we recently started the topic on the cold war + the superpowers
subjects for like maths science and business i have few topics ive learnt and some ive missed out on and i cant tell for sure because my memory is a bit patchy from what ive previously learnt
for revision classes theres only science available which i do attend but thats pretty much it apparently
Original post by yukiieun
So sorry for the late reply i completely forgot about this
The subjects im atleast alright are english and art since ive covered what my current school is working on
however for the rest ive missed atleast more than half of the total topics and for history its a mess because its a brand new topic for me (early elizabethan england + weimar and nazi germany) but we recently started the topic on the cold war + the superpowers
subjects for like maths science and business i have few topics ive learnt and some ive missed out on and i cant tell for sure because my memory is a bit patchy from what ive previously learnt
for revision classes theres only science available which i do attend but thats pretty much it apparently

Which board is your Maths?
Reply 16
Original post by bumnah
Hi. I'm in year 11 too.
I've also been moved around a lot since year 8, and I wasn't at school for basically a year. I moved schools 2 or 3 times and each time i moved my grades just kept dropping. I went from a grade average of like 8 to 4- really fast.
At the end of year 10 I moved cities and had to drop a GCSE in my current school because of how far behind I'd fallen.
It sounds pretty similar to ur situation cus i've got no motivation to work nowaday. I'm right in the middle of mocks and I'm really stressed out too cus I'm trying to apply to a sixth form with these grades.
I think rn I'm just abt getting the bottom of the requirements and I rlly want to be able to do well like i thought i was going to before all this messed up stuff moving schools happened.
Reading ur post, i get how u feel cus i feel that way as well about my life rn.
it feels like im just going thru the motions cus i have to
I have like a whole book i haven't studied for english and in science my knowledge is so patchy and i can't really tell how well i did in the mocks.
im behind everyone and it's always makes me so mad at school because i have so much stuff to catch up on but it just seems like too much to ever be able to do before the gcses start.
But yeah. idk what im getting at here but our situations basically sound the same so if u wanna talk abt it more i'm here, cus i rlly understand exactly how u feel.
not many ppl move schools close to gcses and moving schools and missing lots of school kinda neglects school life a lot and u end up getting lonely and stuff
so yeah, just lmk if u wanna talk abt it cus i genuinely thought like who has such a weird school life where they move around and miss this much school except me.
Its rlly unfortunate but i rlly know how u feel abt this

Sorry i've been busy lately and kinda stuck in my own mess.
i cant lie im honestly glad to know that im not the only one through this situation but its not great knowing how unfortunate this is like you said
tbh i did want to spill it all out because the built up stress had and has gotten to me for a while but rn idk what to think anymore, i feel a bit hopeless with all of this but i really do want to get in a sixth form and study harder to get into uni and such. my parents have told me how theyve wanted me to attend university because they didnt have the chance to. i feel like thats the reason why im still trying.
by reading your situation, i can agree, im quite surprised how similar our experiences are and im glad to know im not alone. you arent alone on this either
i honestly dont know what to say but i really do appreciate your comfort id be more than happy to listen to you or just talk with you!
Reply 17
Original post by Muttley79
Which board is your Maths?

AQA im pretty sure
Original post by yukiieun
AQA im pretty sure

AQA is the board with some multiple choice questions - does that sound right?

I suggest leaving these to later in the exam as many students seem to get these wrong.

Specific revision for AQA here:

There are also Science resources on that website
Original post by yukiieun
for context theres a few times where ive missed out on school, ive missed almost the entirety of year 8 because of parental issues. i recently missed out on half of year 10 due to business plans ive started attending school just 3 weeks before the summer holiday and now im in year 11. considering how much ive missed school a few times my grades continued to drop due to the absence of school and my mental health. in about 3 days or so i have my gcse mocks and ive been trying to revise what i did learn in the remaining year 10 i attended. the current school i am in doesnt have teachers that are great at teaching so its been hard to catch up with the current class. for my gcse options i picked art, business and history. considering those options, art and history, the topics have changed for me by a lot. you could say that im starting all over again. at the worst time possible.
before i moved halfway in year 10 my gcse grade was predicted to be around 6 for most of my subjects but right now i dont know if that would be the case. school and just everything has been stressing me out and i just had a moment where i really realised that my time is very limited. i am sometimes the type of person to leave things the last minute, i hate to admit but its true. i always find it hard to start something and continue it for a long time. starting anything has been difficult for me and i get stressed very easily. there are so many issues in my life i just cant keep it together. im falling behind on so much work including art. i may or may not want to persue in art but i atleast want to get a good grade for art. im considered very talented at art and i think im pretty alright at art. my art teacher said that i have a potential in getting a grade 8 or above with the skill i have but quantity is what matters in art which is an issue for me. i mostly have no time to draw because of the catching up i need to do for pretty much all of my subjects and i also never have motivation to do art. art has been very stressful to me. for history, ive never been good at it but my parents wanted me to take it. i think it was guaranteed im going to fail for history so i dont think massively about history. my main priorities are the core subjects, english, maths, science, religious and citizenship, along with business perhaps and art being last.
if im really feeling it then i can push myself to catch up but just thinking about it makes my chest heavy and i start stressing already. i feel like this is the lowest ive been but thinking about it from another perspective i look pathetic and selfish so ive been staying silent. my mental health isnt at a very good state but i understand thats how life is and we all had to push ourselves at some point in life. thats why im looking for advice. ill have to endure this pain for a while longer but whatever gets the work done, ill be relieved at the very least. studying tips will be very useful but currently im still catching up on the class work so its all independant work which im not that great at. idk what im woffling about but im just so fixated about the future, sometimes its all i worry about that my heart is always racing. i also need tips to be organised and be motivated for sure. to be honest i feel like i have no purpose in life but i dont think anybody wants to be out on the streets so i still have to find a way to stay finacially stable but i just dont have anything that is really giving me a reason to live. if i could at any point i feel like i wouldnt mind if my life was taken away, besides the point. i just need something to motivate me.

Please don't break your back over mocks. I got a 3 in one of my mocks and ended up getting a 6 or 7 in my GCSEs. Subjects I failed I passed with ease in the actual GCSEs. Rather than freaking out over mocks, take this time to use it as a tool for revision. During the exam, see what you know you can do and see what you don't, then study those before the actual GCSEs

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