@agent_duck343 Nice to hear your interested in studying Geography/ES at university, I finished my undergraduate degree in physical geography at Lancaster university in the summer and absolutely loved studying geography at university and have just starting my masters there now. In terms on super curricular activities, firstly I would recommend doing some more research in a particular geography topic area that interests you the most, as you could write about this in your personal statement. This may include watching online videos and lectures on the topic (Lancaster's public lectures can be found here
Public Lectures - Lancaster University, but many other universities will have similar online lectures), or doing some extra reading in the subject area. Personally, in year 13 I read 'prisoners of Geography' by Tim marshal about geopolitics and 'there is no planet b' by Mike Berners-Lee about net 0, and to get an understanding of how geography fits into current topical issues.
Also, geography related work experience can be a great super curricular activity. The British geological society have summer work experience opportunities
Work experience - British Geological Survey, and i would also recommend looking at the natural trust, the rivers trust, forestry England, met office to see if they have any work experience opportunities.
Hope this helps, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)