You will be okay.☺️ There are ups and downs in life, it is okay to feel the way you do now. But remember that life carries on and you will constantly be in new environments, meet more people, and sometimes meet life-long friends at unexpected places, rather than in a secondary or sixth-form environment. I had some really close friends in sixth-form and even uni but grew apart and haven't spoken to them ever since.. this is normal. I recommened you put your self into environments you are comfortable with and meet likeminded people with the same interests. For example, if you go uni, first thing i suggest you do is look at all the society groups available and i'm sure you will find something that interests you. That can give you an opportunity to meet people with the same interest. Personally, that helped me alot, and i met friends that did completely different degrees to me. But I also want to tell you that it is also okay to have a small circle or even have periods in your life where you are alone.. i think being comfortable with that and enjoying your own company is very empowering and sometimes keeps you away from the ******** that we hear happen between 'friends'. You are so young, and you got so much to experience in life, its okay to feel down in this phase of your life, you will have ups and downs 🙂 And don't limit yourself thinking 20s are the only age where you can experience 'cool things' or have sorted your life by 30. Don't listen to societies bs expectations, live your own life the way and at your own pace 🙂