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children's nursing interview - HELP!!

Ok so LSBU offered me an interview and im going to take it on Friday this week. I am both excited and nervous. I have been preparing for this interview, however im not sure how i would respond IF i got asked "What are my weaknesses". Like what do I say? Like I know that I have to be honest but i actually have no idea on how i am going to respond if i got asked this question. Im trying to list my strengths and weaknesses and i actually dont know what to say that isnt too negative ...... This looks like such an easy but difficult question ;(

(I am not trying to say that I think i am perfect because that is completely false - I just want to have an honest answer to this question that will still get me an actual offer)
I would say reflect on how you are as a person. Then make a list of things that others may perceive as weaknesses.

Pro tip: after you mention a weakness, also try to provide a brief explanation of how it could be a strength too.
Original post by liveloveleyla
Ok so LSBU offered me an interview and im going to take it on Friday this week. I am both excited and nervous. I have been preparing for this interview, however im not sure how i would respond IF i got asked "What are my weaknesses". Like what do I say? Like I know that I have to be honest but i actually have no idea on how i am going to respond if i got asked this question. Im trying to list my strengths and weaknesses and i actually dont know what to say that isnt too negative ...... This looks like such an easy but difficult question ;(
(I am not trying to say that I think i am perfect because that is completely false - I just want to have an honest answer to this question that will still get me an actual offer)


I'm currently a 2nd year childrens nurse at Wrexham University, through my experiences so far I have found the course has been amazing! 🙂

First of all, don't feel to overwhelmed by the interview - I know this is easier said than done!
The main thing is don't sell yourself short, as said previously by other users after you mention a weakness, explain how it could be a strength too - what would you do to improve this in the future? How can you avoid this? What's the route after? etc.

If you would like more information on applying/ the interview process and an in-sight into a day in the life as a childrens nurse on placement here at Wrexham University I have attached the links below. I hope these help! 🙂


Feel free to ask any more questions you may have and good luck on Friday, you've got this! 🙂

Shannon - Bsc Childrens Nurse - WrexhamUniReps
Reply 3
Original post by liveloveleyla
Ok so LSBU offered me an interview and im going to take it on Friday this week. I am both excited and nervous. I have been preparing for this interview, however im not sure how i would respond IF i got asked "What are my weaknesses". Like what do I say? Like I know that I have to be honest but i actually have no idea on how i am going to respond if i got asked this question. Im trying to list my strengths and weaknesses and i actually dont know what to say that isnt too negative ...... This looks like such an easy but difficult question ;(
(I am not trying to say that I think i am perfect because that is completely false - I just want to have an honest answer to this question that will still get me an actual offer)

I am doing mine tomorrow for nursing as well how did it go
Original post by praptik1
I am doing mine tomorrow for nursing as well how did it go

I’m sorry that I saw this now but it actually alright!!!. They asked 4 questions and some follow up questions from the scenario but they asked like generic questions like why do you want to study this type of nursing, what qualities do you have that are useful for nursing, what are the challenges of nursing, was there any point in your life where you demonstrated teamwork etc, with a scenario question. They were really nice and gave me an interview like 35 mins after the interview ended.

I’d say don’t panic and try to be your natural self. If you mess up with your answer, it is honestly okay. I messed up with my answers quite a bit and started again and they were really nice about it. Surprisingly, Kingston university gave me roughly the same questions and then a day later gave me an offer!

Idk if you are applying to LSBU and Kingston aswell but if not then the interview questions may be different because these questions seemed to be questions that every LSBU and Kingston nursing applicant may get (THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION - however I definitely know that this is what Kingston University does cuz they had a slide show with the questions)
(edited 3 months ago)
Reply 5
Original post by liveloveleyla
I’m sorry that I saw this now but it actually alright!!!. They asked 4 questions and some follow up questions from the scenario but they asked like generic questions like why do you want to study this type of nursing, what qualities do you have that are useful for nursing, what are the challenges of nursing, was there any point in your life where you demonstrated teamwork etc, with a scenario question. They were really nice and gave me an interview like 35 mins after the interview ended.
I’d say don’t panic and try to be your natural self. If you mess up with your answer, it is honestly okay. I messed up with my answers quite a bit and started again and they were really nice about it. Surprisingly, Kingston university gave me roughly the same questions and then a day later gave me an offer!
Idk if you are applying to LSBU and Kingston aswell but if not then the interview questions may be different because these questions seemed to be questions that every LSBU and Kingston nursing applicant may get (THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION - however I definitely know that this is what Kingston University does cuz they had a slide show with the questions)

Thank u so much🫶🏼 I didn’t do Kingston and what other unis did you apply to
Original post by praptik1
Thank u so much🫶🏼 I didn’t do Kingston and what other unis did you apply to

ok so apart from LSBU and Kingston, i applied to KCL, City and Middlesex university.
Reply 7
Original post by liveloveleyla
ok so apart from LSBU and Kingston, i applied to KCL, City and Middlesex university.

my friend is also doing nursing and she has applied to those exact same unis
Original post by praptik1
my friend is also doing nursing and she has applied to those exact same unis

OH MY GOD?????? Thats the first time im hearing that someones doing the same thing as me aswell as applying to the same unis!!!! My friends (who are also applying for children's nursing) are only applying to the same 3 unis as me.

Also how was your interview?
Reply 9
Original post by liveloveleyla
OH MY GOD?????? Thats the first time im hearing that someones doing the same thing as me aswell as applying to the same unis!!!! My friends (who are also applying for children's nursing) are only applying to the same 3 unis as me.
Also how was your interview?

It wasn’t bad still haven’t heard back from them tho
How long did you have to wait to hear whether or not you got an interview with them ?
Original post by risasakura
How long did you have to wait to hear whether or not you got an interview with them ?
LSBU took 3 days to offer me an interview. Kingston took 2 weeks to offer me an interview. Middlesex took 7 weeks and Kings College of London took 10 weeks. I am still waiting for City university of London.
How long did it take for you hear back from Kingston After the interview ?
Original post by liveloveleyla
Ok so LSBU offered me an interview and im going to take it on Friday this week. I am both excited and nervous. I have been preparing for this interview, however im not sure how i would respond IF i got asked "What are my weaknesses". Like what do I say? Like I know that I have to be honest but i actually have no idea on how i am going to respond if i got asked this question. Im trying to list my strengths and weaknesses and i actually dont know what to say that isnt too negative ...... This looks like such an easy but difficult question ;(
(I am not trying to say that I think i am perfect because that is completely false - I just want to have an honest answer to this question that will still get me an actual offer)

maybe trying to be authouritative?

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