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What should i do for my physics exams?

Im really bad at a level physics i have a tests soon and i dont know what i should do? Can someone give a step by step routine not just " oh i use this website" like what do u DO . People say questions but i dont know what to do after marking them ??? I feel like im doing this all wrong. Should i memorise the textbook? Idk
Reply 1
Original post by Naranciaghirga
Im really bad at a level physics i have a tests soon and i dont know what i should do? Can someone give a step by step routine not just " oh i use this website" like what do u DO . People say questions but i dont know what to do after marking them ??? I feel like im doing this all wrong. Should i memorise the textbook? Idk

A-level physics is a tricky thing, you understand. Here’s a simple approach: I want you to focus on really understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing. Once you have studied a special topic, tackle some questions which practice and then mark them and find out what went wrong. Learning from your mistakes is all about that! Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for help, and if you’re still unsure, think about it. You got this!
Original post by Adam_jar
A-level physics is a tricky thing, you understand. Here’s a simple approach: I want you to focus on really understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing. Once you have studied a special topic, tackle some questions which practice and then mark them and find out what went wrong. Learning from your mistakes is all about that! Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher for help, and if you’re still unsure, think about it. You got this!

But a lot of the time i think i understand but i cant tell if my understanding is wrong and idk what im not understanding 😭
Reply 3
Original post by Naranciaghirga
Im really bad at a level physics i have a tests soon and i dont know what i should do? Can someone give a step by step routine not just " oh i use this website" like what do u DO . People say questions but i dont know what to do after marking them ??? I feel like im doing this all wrong. Should i memorise the textbook? Idk

What to do step-by-step:

Go on (free website). It's split into topics, so pick the ones you're going to be tested on, starting with either your strongest or weakest topic. Look through the notes (in the notes section). Then go to the exam-style Qs by topic and start working through the practice questions on that topic. Whilst you're marking them, make a docs of questions you keep getting wrong that are in a similar style/in a similar area of that topic. Then go on YouTube and watch a specific video on that area. Do more practice questions by topic until you gradually get less and less questions wrong.

Repeat with various topics. Once you've done that, then start doing past paper questions.

This is just what works for me, it might not for you and that's fine. Hope it helps.

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