The Student Room Group

Frustrated on my year 2 physio placement, looking for some advice

Hello, this is my first post in here asking for some physio placement stuff

So I am a year2 student and I will be having my first formal 5weeks placement during mid November, my first placement in year1 but it’s just observation in a private scoliosis clinics for a week( didn’t learn much tbh). My coming placement will be a MSK OP in nhs setting. I have ask my educator about what I should revise before coming. And she have replied me the following:

“We are community MSK out patients for adults. Typical presentations include low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, tendinopathies (eg SAPs, GTPS, Lateral epicondylitis), anterior knee pain and adhesive capsulitis. We also see a smaller proportion of post operative patients for any MSK procedures, eg knee arthroscopy, sub acromial decompression, lumbar spine discectomy, total hip & knee replacements”

I am quite nervous now and have studied back most year1 msk stuff and pathologies. I would like so ask for some advice of what I should be focusing on or some advice before my placement or during my placement.

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